Direct Sales Leaders Launch “Women United for Change”

“The world will be saved by the Western woman”.
The Dalai Lama uttered these words at the Vancouver Peace Summit in 2009, and now a group of successful female entrepreneurs have taken up the challenge with a vengeance.
March 16th, 2015 is the launch of “Women United for Change”, a new movement led by women business owners with the goal to transform the lives of thousands of women in developing countries.
Although scattered across the world, the women behind this movement have one thing in common; each has transformed herself (and her financial situation) by building a business of her own (specifically in the network marketing / direct sales profession).
Many of these gals left corporate or professional careers to become entrepreneurs, attracted by the opportunity to make more money, have more time freedom and the option to work from home (especially important to young moms wanting quality time with their kids).
The Women United for Change movement was born from their desire to “pay it forward” and help other women experience the benefits and lifestyle changes that come from building a successful business. They found the perfect partner in Project Concern International, a nonprofit organization based in San Diego, CA which is gaining recognition for its “Women Empowered” program.
Through this program, PCI is helping to transform the lives of over 400,000 women in 12 developing nations. Their comprehensive training program provides women with the skills and support to start businesses that bring in much needed income for their families.
Studies show women invest over 90% of their income from businesses like these into their families – feeding and educating their children (which can often break the cycle of poverty in one generation). They also invest in other programs that benefit their community as a whole, creating a ripple effect of positive change across regions (and even countries). The economic empowerment of women is gaining popularity as one of the most effective tools to address the many issues plaguing underdeveloped nations today.
According to Kofi Annan, Secretary General to the United Nations…
“…study after study has taught us that there is no tool for global development more effective than the empowerment of women.”
Perhaps Melinda Gates (of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) sums it up best:
“When we invest in women, we invest in the people who invest in everyone else”.
Investing in women is exactly what the Women United for Change movement is all about. The leaders involved have already secured over $100,000 in committed funding for PCI’s program (even before their official launch) and they are positioned to raise a lot more.
The network marketing/direct sales business model is based on developing large networks of customers and team members. Each of the founding leaders behind Women United for Change has such a large network in place (collectively their current reach totals over 500,000 women – and they have plans to leverage other contacts and the internet to connect with many more).
With over 13 million women involved in the network marketing/direct sales profession in the US (and another estimated 70 million worldwide) the opportunity to inspire more women to lend their voice to this movement is promising.
Sonia Stringer, one of the founders comments “The women in network marketing/direct sales have large networks, a great deal of influence and a strong desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Because of this, we believe that “Women United for Change” has the potential to be the largest movement ever created to unite women in the West with the goal to empower women worldwide.
We are women whose lives have been transformed through entrepreneurship, so it’s only fitting that we can help women in need transform their lives by building businesses of their own”.
For more information about the movement go to
About Women United for Change
Women United for Change is a movement led by women from across the network marketing/direct sales profession. Rather than competing with each other, these women are collaborating and lending their voices and financial support to a movement that will help change the lives of thousands of women in developing countries, by starting businesses of their own. For more details and to get involved, go to