How To Explain Direct Selling – MLM To A Business Man Or Woman

Business People MLM


If you want to team up with a person for a Direct Selling / MLM / Network Marketing opportunity who has a business mind then it is much smarter to explain first the Direct Selling Industry and its pro's and con's then to jump right on your specific opportunity.

If you give business opportunity meetings, on-line or off-line, in our experience 95% of your audience has no clue about direct selling and the power of it.

Explaining the industry first take often away the Pyramid objection, as business minded people will understand a $200 Billion, 60 years+ market, with 100+ million distributors can not be build on wet sand.

Direct selling is a dynamic, vibrant, rapidly expanding channel of distribution for the marketing of products and services directly to consumers.

The strength of direct selling lies in its tradition of independence, service to consumers, and commitment to entrepreneurial growth in the free market system. Direct selling provides accessible business opportunities to people looking for alternative sources of income, and whose entry is generally not restricted by gender, age, education, or previous experience. Many people start their Direct Selling business from home or through internet.

The Direct Selling market figures:

According to the Direct Selling Organization in the USA and the WFDSA, which consists of 59 national Direct Selling Associations and one regional federation – Federation of European Direct Selling Associations (Seldia) the market is around $178 Billion. However many companies are not a member and we estimated direct selling over $200 Billion worldwide.

More the 100 million people are involved all around the globe. A few major Direct Selling markets:

  • USA 16,8 million distributors
  • Thailand 11 million
  • Indonesia 10 million
  • India 5,7 million
  • Korea 5,5 Million
  • Russia 5,0 Million
  • Brazil 4,5 Million
  • Malaysia 4,2 Million
  • Philppines 3,9 million
  • Japan 3,2 Million

Country sales in Direct Selling

  • USA $32 Billion
  • China $27 Billion
  • Japan $17 Billion
  • Korea $14 Billion
  • Brazil $14 Billion
  • Germany $8 Billion
  • Mexico $8 Billion
  • Russia $4 Billion
  • Malaysia $4 Billion
  • France $3 Billion

Basically there are 2 types of compensation: the Party Plan in which a distributor get paid 3+ levels deep, and the person-to-person compensation plan which pays out over much deeper levels.

The Direct Selling / MLM /Network Marketing Walhalla is Utah, USA, more the 100 Direct Selling companies, both public as private companies are located in a small area around Salt Lake City.

The average top earner in Direct Selling makes est. $20,000 per month / $240,000 per year based on the Business For Home statistics. Direct Selling is NOT fast rich business, like in any other industry top earners have developed their social skills and get paid to develop leaders and to build large teams.

Compared to conventional business, the initial investment in Direct Selling is very low, a starters kit and an autoship on the product/service will often be enough to have a great start.


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