DSA Reacts to Article About Decline of Direct Sales in USA

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) has reacted to an article in The Columbus Dispatch about CVSL company Longaberger’s recent troubles, where an analyst was quoted as saying:
“In our view, the Internet offers a more efficient and lower-cost distribution channel than catalogs……Direct selling, while a great source of part-time income for many, is a slowly dying business model…”
Joseph Mariano, President of the DSA has written the following letter to The Dispatch.
The direct-selling channel in the United States is healthy and continues to grow, contrary to the view expressed in May 17 Dispatch article “Basket maker Longaberger Co. has its critics.”
The proof is in the numbers: Direct selling generated more than $32 billion in revenue in 2013, up from $31.6 billion in 2012 and $29.8 billion the previous year. Ohio realized just over $1 billion in sales with more than 450,000 people involved in direct selling in 2013.
Although e-commerce has revolutionized the retail sales experience, there remains a strong market for highly personalized customer service and product demonstration, two distinct advantages of direct selling.
E-commerce functions enhance the direct-selling experience; they don’t replace it.
Direct Selling Association
Washington, D.C.