Karen Aycock – Zurvita Top Earner Interview

Karen Aycock, Zurvita


Karen Aycock from Honey Grove, Texas is a stay at home mother and one of Zurvita's top earners. She is mother of 4 children and a 6 figure earner every year, right from the start!  – Results not typical, because Karen is not typical πŸ™‚ –

She has a large team of all over the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. A Certified Network Marketing professtional, active in the direct selling community adding value and elevating the profession. She has built her team very organically, starting at the bottom of the genealogy.

Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Karen, in Dallas during the Association of Network Marketing Professionals Convention in Dallas, USA.

Zurvita distributes products through network marketing or referral marketing channels. Not sold in stores, the products are only available through authorized Zurvita Independent Consultants such as Karen.

Karen, how did you get involved into the Network Marketing business? Who invited you?

I was invited by a friend, neither of us knew anything about the business. We were intrigued by the product and wanted to lose weight. After hearing a few local success stories, I saw the opportunity and thought, hey I can do this!

Before getting started, I knew nothing about network marketing, but I was very excited for the possibilities that the industry offered.

Karen Aycock Team

Karen Aycock Team

What was your opinion about MLM before you got involved?   

Before joining Zurvita I wasn't sure how MLM worked and I wasn't aware of how much success could be created in the industry. I was very coachable and set goals and worked hard to achieve them.

What is the secret to your success?

Before joining Zurvita, I knew very little about MLM. I knew of the very successful companies, but never personally knew anyone making money. But after getting into our culture I could see the possibilities and the support that the industry offered.

If you work hard and set your goals anything is possible. I am blessed to have an amazing team committed to changing lives!.


Is personal development important for you and your leaders?

Personal developent is a must, everyday.  You must treat your opportunity like a real business and learn as much as you can everyday!  I enjoy being around top leaders in the industry and soaking up their knowledge, everyone is always eager to help and share their knowledge!  This profession is all about personal development and helping you reach your full potential.

Karen Aycock Zurvita Team

As a stay at home mother how do you handle your business?

I love being able to work my own schedule, on my terms!  This is the perfect professional for a mother wanting the time freedom to raise her children and make unlimited money.  This is the only professional where you can start very part time with no experience and in a few short months start making a 6 figure income. To contribute in a very big way and help other people just like you succeed is an amazing feeling!

Karen Aycock interviewed by Ted Nuyten

Karen Aycock and Ted Nuyten

Contact details Karen Aycock




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