4Life Recognizes First International Diamonds From Costa Rica
Recently, 4Life executives proudly announced the advancement of Gustavo Adolfo Moreira and Flor De Liz Hidalgo of Costa Rica to the rank of Gold International Diamond, the company’s second highest rank. Gustavo and Flor De Liz are the first Gold International Diamonds from Costa Rica since the market opened in 2010.
Senior Director, International Daniel Taylor: “Gustavo and Flor De Liz have been instrumental in the growth of the Costa Rica market. It’s wonderful to witness this achievement and celebrate their success.”
Gustavo and Flor De Liz were introduced to 4Life in 2004. At the time, Gustavo had been searching for a product to support his wellness. He was also looking for a way to secure a more stable financial future.
“Our biggest dream has become a reality,” said Gustavo. “We were able to quit our jobs, and now we have lots of free time and no boss to report to. Our financial success helps us share the 4Life message. People see us and become inspired to follow their dreams like we did.”
Gustavo says that discovering 4Life is the best thing that could have happened to him and Flor De Liz. They feel very blessed to have found a company that has helped them transform their lives and become better people who are dedicated to helping others succeed.
President & CEO Steve Tew: “It’s my pleasure to celebrate Gustavo and Flor De Liz as our first Gold International Diamonds in the beautiful country of Costa Rica. These entrepreneurs have invested themselves in the lives of others, thereby structuring a far-reaching organization based on a principle of doing good.”
4Life has offices on five continents to serve a global network of independent distributors through science, success, and service.
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