Nature’s Sunshine CEO Joins Direct Selling Education Foundation

Nature's Sunshine Products, a leading natural health and wellness company engaged in the manufacture and direct selling of nutritional and personal care products, recently announced that Chairman and CEO, Gregory L. Probert, has joined the Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Education Foundation (DSEF), a non-profit that advances understanding of direct selling and promotes the industry's commitment to ethics, consumer protection and self-regulation.
Following his nomination by separate committees of both the Direct Selling Association (DSA) and the DSEF, Probert was contacted by Gary Huggins, Executive Director of the DSEF and asked to accept the nomination. He was elected to serve by the DSEF Board of Directors at their June meeting. Mr. Probert will begin his three-year term at the September 2015 meeting of the DSEF Board of Directors.
We are excited that Greg has agreed to serve on the Foundation Board, said Huggins. He and his Nature's Sunshine colleagues have a strong record of commitment and leadership on DSEF priorities to educate key audiences about the direct selling channel and serve the public interest by advancing consumer protection and ethical entrepreneurship.
Nature's Sunshine has a long association with the Direct Selling Education Foundation and I look forward to this opportunity to represent our company and help forge the future of the direct selling industry as a member of the board, said Probert.
The DSEF Board of Directors is comprised of men and women representing institutes of higher learning and consumer advocacy organizations, as well as corporate leaders in the direct selling industry. Board members meet on a quarterly basis and guide the actions of the foundation, serving as advocates for the industry with regulatory agencies and other individuals, including the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys.
The DSEF also partners with academic institutions to help develop curricula that accurately represents the direct selling channel and its positive impact on the economy. More than 18 million Americans were involved in direct selling in 2014, contributing more than $34 billion to the U.S. economy.
About Nature's Sunshine Products
Nature's Sunshine Products (NASDAQ: NATR), a leading natural health and wellness company, markets and distributes nutritional and personal care products through a global direct sales force of over 640,000 independent Managers, Distributors and customers in more than 40 countries. Nature's Sunshine manufactures most of its products through its own state-of-the-art facilities to ensure its products continue to set the standard for the highest quality, safety and efficacy on the market today. The Company has four reportable business segments that are divided based on the characteristics of their Distributor base, similarities in compensation plans, as well as the internal organization of NSP's officers and their responsibilities (NSP Americas; NSP Russia, Central and Eastern Europe; Synergy WorldWide; and China and New Markets). The Company also supports health and wellness for children around the world through its partnership with the Sunshine Heroes Foundation. Additional information about the Company can be obtained at its website,