Generic Network Marketing Survey – Academic Reseach

Even though the network marketing industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, little has been written about the network marketing field in academic research.
Many international academics are not familiar with it, or do not understand this fast growing business model. Which is a shame, now more and more students are also getting involved in this industry.
Help to change this. And contribute by providing more insight into this great industry. Let’s educate people about our industry.
Netherlands based Matthijs Helmer, is Master Business Administration student at the VU University of Amsterdam with a specialization in entrepreneurship. Currently, Matthijs is doing his research for his Master Thesis which he is writing about Network Marketing / MLM.
Please help our awesome industry by filling out the survey below. It only takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, it is generic and does not require any email or personal information.
Click here to start the Network Marketing Survey
Thank you very much for your time and support.