Interview With Lynne Cote CEO Of CAbi

Fashion direct selling company CAbi is launching a line for women on e-commerce site Zulily which specializes in flash sales targeted at moms. Zulily published an interview with Lynne Coté, CEO of CAbi where she gives her insights on key clothing pieces, best advice for aspiring leaders and what’s in store for CAbi’s future.
You just joined the cabi team a few years ago as CEO, what was your inspiration for taking this position?
After over 20 years working at companies servicing traditional retailers, I was inspired to directly touch the consumer and have complete control of brand messaging and presentation. The message of CAbi is so empowering to women, and I wanted to be a part of extending the reach of this company so it can impact the lives of more women around the world.
What is your favorite part about leading the CAbi team?
The collaborative leadership model at cabi is refreshing, and is not typical in the industry. We truly value the talent that each team member brings to the table.
How do you feel the CAbi business model empowers women?
Cabi strives to allow women to be in business for themselves, but not by themselves. Our training is unlike anyone else in the industry and our women are given all the tools to launch a successful business. Our model allows women to put first things first at the same time building a meaningful and sustainable business.
We are so excited to be launching CAbi on zulily! What do you feel is the highlight of this partnership?
We are excited to let more women know about our special brand filled with beautiful clothes and meaningful relationships. Cabi is a gift to women, and through our partnership, we will invite many more women into the unique cabi Fashion Experience.
What is your favorite piece of CAbi clothing? What’s your next cabi purchase going to be?
My favorite pieces tend to be our jackets. Our brand puts designer details and unique trims that make each piece feel like it belongs in a specialty boutique. My next cabi purchase will be the Manor Coat, a beautiful black knit jacket with a removable faux fur trim collar. This is from the upcoming Fall ’15 Collection.
What three key pieces of clothing do you think every woman should own?
Every woman should own a fabulous pair of dark denim jeans, a perfect fitting black pant, and a little black dress. Our Fall ’15 Collection has all 3 of these items.
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success is to do well so we can do good in the world. It is my dream to put women entrepreneurs in business across the globe, giving them power and the opportunity to control their life.
With more than 25 years of retail experience, what is your advice for aspiring female leaders in retail?
Be true to your brand. It is critical that your brand remain consistent and the message you speak to your consumer must be reliable.
What has been your best learning experience so far?
Learning to communicate with over 3,400 women who all have different reasons for being with cabi has been an amazing experience.
What’s in the future for CAbi?
CAbi’s future is bright. We are hoping to attract more women to this business giving them an opportunity to own their own business and fulfill their personal dreams. We are opening in Canada in August, which is exciting for our stylists. For every woman who joins cabi, we give a small business loan in her name for a sister entrepreneur around the world through Opportunity International. Making a difference within entire families and communities is CAbi’s living legacy.
Get more information, facts and figures about Cabi Online, click here for the Cabi Online overview.