How To Make (More) Money In Network Marketing

I get almost daily that question:
How can I make more money in my MLM / Network Marketing / Direct Sales business?
And if I ask what he/she is doing to make their business work, the answer is:
I follow a big leader, if my leader signs up for a company or a program, so do I, because he knows best
And do you make a profit with that?
I do not like in Network Marketing the Leader and followers stigma. For the outside world that looks like a sekt culture, a negative path, without duplication. Not a business mind.
You are all independent distributors and following a leader will not bring you much money as history has learned…. On this Business For Home website we have no records of top earners we did that by following leaders blind.
We have many records of real people who are Network Marketing Professionals making a lot of money by setting their own goals, plans and direction.
Stand up and be an entrepreneur a professional, build your own business. Studying and learning from a professional is ok, but follow blind somebody? Brrrrrrrrr..
I had posted this question on my facebook, some interesting comments from professionals and top earners:…..
Bo Bowidowicz Hear! Hear! Not One of my sponsors EVER built my business for me. EVER!
Princess Fizzah Shah 110% true!!
Noal Floyd Every sponsor I ever partnered with quit. If it's to be its up to me.
Faraday Hosseinipour You become a leader by standing up and becoming your own leader. Learning To follow is a necessary stepping stone. Only so you can spring off the stone with both feet when you get there!
Jeff Altgilbers It it says that on The top of our applications the word Independent Distributor. I'm a big believer in that otherwise the only thing you have is a job because all you're doing is managing people!
Petya Edwards True. Most join a leader who appears successful and then wonder why it's not working for them. I always say that leader is not someone who is to be worshiped but rather someone who can mentor you until you become that leader yourself.
Aleksandar Tasevski This is a very intriging theme. One of my mentors (Amway diamond), said as a small piece of this theme: There are LEADING leaders, and FOLLOW leaders. Neither of them is better. One is airforce, another is ground force. Neither can do exceptional business without the other. One of the greathest lessons I have heard and learned in my +20 yrs MLM cariere.
Chris Susan Beesley Well said and thanks for that. Seeing a lot of posts recently where people seem hard done by expecting their sponsor to build their business …. Be an entrepreneur – learn, do, teach.