Education Conference For Direct Selling Company Owners And Executives

The 12th Direct Selling Edge Conference hosted by Kevin Thompson of ThompsonBurton PLLC and Jay Leisner of Sylvina Consulting will be held in Fort Worth, TX on October 5 and 6, 2015.
Direct sales industry attorney Kevin Thompson and sales compensation consultant Jay Leisner are hosting this two-day school for direct selling company executives at the Radisson Hotel Fort Worth Fossil Creek in Fort Worth.
Direct sales company owners and executives from around the world will be in attendance.
Individual tickets are $250 each, but a company can bring up to 4 people for a total cost of only $300. Additional team members are only $75 each. Tickets can be purchased online at
The Direct Selling Edge faculty includes 10 speakers who are foremost experts in their respective fields. In all, there are 14 educational sessions and a fast answers panel discussion.
In August 2015, the FTC sued Vemma, alleging them to be a pyramid scheme. On September 15, Vemma had an opportunity to be heard, requesting that the court remove or modify the injunction. After this hearing, the judge imposed an order upon Vemma that requires it to make specific changes to its business model.
This recent development is significant. Included in the Regulatory Spray session at the Direct Selling Edge Conference will be an in-depth discussion on the Veema case, including what the judge's ruling will mean for all direct selling companies.
Speaking at the event will be Jeff Jordan, Victoria Dohr, Karen Clark, Troy Dooly, Jeremy Richmond, Donna Marie Serritella, Jason VanWagoner, Jerry York, plus the hosts of the conference, Kevin Thompson and Jay Leisner.
At the end of each day, attendees have an opportunity to meet personally with the speakers. At the end of the first day there is a special networking social which all attendees are invited to attend.
Direct sales industry attorney and event co-host Kevin Thompson said, In today's world starting a direct sales business requires knowledge from many and varied disciplines. We provide attendees with valuable information that can ultimately save them tens of thousands of dollars and months of time.
Direct sales compensation consultant and event co-host Jay Leisner had this to say about Direct Selling Edge, Attendees who spend two days of time with us find that our educational experience propels them forward faster. You don't know what you don't know. The faster you learn what you need to do to be successful, the stronger your business will be.
Jeff Jordan of Jordan & Associates, speaker and direct sales consultant offers this to potential attendees,
Attend the event and meet the dream team of professionals who will teach you about the many elements involved in launching and growing successful direct sales industry companies. You will learn invaluable knowledge about direct sales compensation, company recruiting, legal compliance, social media for direct selling companies, tax obligations, merchant accounts, direct sales software requirements and much more.
Jeff Jordan has a discount code available to anyone wanting to attend. For the discount code CLICK HERE.
Instant access to the event information can be obtained at the Direct Selling Edge website at