Direct Sales Enables R+F Leaders To Open Children’s Home In India

More than 18 million Americans make their living from home through Direct Sales and many of them are right here in east Texas. Direct selling can involve a variety of products such as cookware, makeup, energy and vitamins, just to name a few.
While some do it for the flexibility and work-life balance, others have found it has afforded them the opportunity to help others. That has been the case for Sarah and Phil Robbins.
Life today for the Robbins is much different than it was just seven years ago.
“I was a shy Kindergarten teacher living in Michigan and when the economy took a turn for the worse I was facing the loss of my job, so I had to look for extra income,” recalled Sarah.
Sarah found herself in Direct Sales as a Consultant for Rodan and Fields, a premier skincare line in the U.S and Canada, and soon to be Australia.
“It was really just to support our family and the rest has just blessed us beyond our wildest dreams,” said Sarah.
Within five years, at just 29-years-old, she was earning a seven-figure salary. As a result, Phil got out of the construction business and partnered with his wife in Rodan and Fields, which is now the fourth largest skincare line in the country drawing the attention of celebrities, network news programs, magazines and beauty experts.
“Sometimes our obedience in a situation can lead to other people’s destiny’s being impacted. We knew we wanted to change lives, but had no idea to what capacity,” noted Phil.
Today Sarah is in the top one percent income-bracket of all women in America and is one of the world’s leading network marketing consultants.
“And now we are able to give more in a month than we made in an entire year to kids and projects that we are passionate about,” Sarah stated with a warm smile.
One of those projects evolved while the Robbins were on a trip to India. It turned out to be a life-changing experience for this couple.
“It is an attack on your senses. You would never even imagine the sites, the smells and the sounds. It’s almost hard to describe seeing children who are not clothed, running around picking up dirty apple cores and just literally eating from the trash,” remembered Sarah sadly.
Sarah and Phil were astonished at the numbers; 20 million orphans in India. They consider their business a marketplace ministry and wanted to help.
“My heart is for the fatherless,” remarked Phil.
Sarah added, “It was something I couldn’t turn away from. Something I could never forget and I said let’s get involved.”
Their next trip to India would be much different. Through their success with Rodan and Fields and relying on their faith, Sarah and Phil opened an orphanage for 100 boys called the Angel House.
“When we opened the doors the children were screaming and crying and ran to their brand new bunk beds. They had never slept in a bed before, never had sheets or a pillow. Things we take for granted,” shared Sarah.
Sarah and Phil say what they are doing doesn’t just change a child’s life, it changes an entire community. They are also building water wells, churches and playgrounds. Their next mission is to build schools to give the children an education.
“This has absolutely changed my life. It’s given me purpose and a greater passion for life and fulfillment as well. It really opens your eyes to a great world, and it’s not about you,” Sarah declared.
Phil realized, “I’ve changed for the better. I’m still the same person, but my heart is different. My life is not my own. At the end of the day we are here to impact generations… and we’re just getting started.”
Next month the Robbins will open a second orphanage in India for girls.
“Rodan and Fields has been a vehicle for change. It’s not just about skincare; it’s about a vehicle to create change to give you the time and resources to do just that. Kids are my passion and making a difference really is my world. If a formerly shy Kindergarten teacher in her 20’s can do it, so can you. Take a chance, it could change your life!” proclaimed Sarah.
This giving couple is expecting their first baby in about a month, but after this experience with orphans they say growing their family will now include adoption in the future.
“My heart is prepared absolutely! I believe the world now is so small,” remarked Phil.
Sarah says, “We want a full house of laughter and joy and just to be able to raise up a really solid generation of leaders through the resources that we now have, and who knows from what country or from where these children will come,” Sarah said excitedly.
Sarah and Phil say thanks to Rodan and Fields they are living their dream while giving others hope and a future, where there once was none. They encourage others to follow their passion and change lives too.
“Angel House is incredible, but there are so many more causes. If we can just focus on what we can do to make a difference with one child or one family, imagine together how we can all impact the world!” declared Sarah.
As featured on CBS19.TV
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