QNET Kicks Off 2016 With Successful ICE Summit

QNET , Haldun Arin, CEO


On the backdrop of the success of the meetings of the previous three years, this year has begun with a spectacular ICE (Inner Circle Elite) Summit that saw the gathering of our most important leaders, executives and networkers.

This elite group of trailblazers from all over the world came together to align network and corporate goals and give input towards the game plan for 2016.

Facilitated by Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran and Joseph Bismark, this VIP only event saw an exhibition of all our products, an exclusive sneak peak of what the network can expect in 2016 in terms of trainings, events and the launch of new and exciting products. Throughout the conference, one theme echoed through the room – Evolve!

Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran spoke about how this is the year of evolution. “By changing your path you won’t find success any faster; stay the path but change yourself”, he said as he urged the group to reflect on the year gone by. Adding to that message, Joseph Bismark spoke about the importance of trying something new and of not stagnating.

“The value of life differs, ask a man in his youth about the value of time and his answer will be different than the answer given by a man in his death bed about the value of every minute”. He highlighted the need to make the best of every moment and empower others while enriching oneself. Both stressed the importance of living a healthy life from today!

All in all, the ICE Summit saw motivations being strengthened and the drive to succeed growing stronger than ever. It was an amazing platform for great ideas being put forth and inspiring takeaways.

About QNET:

QNET a prominent Asian direct selling company provides a wide range of life enhancing and luxury products that are offered through its proprietary e-commerce platform to customers and distributors in more than 100 countries. The company also has some 60 offices and agencies worldwide, and more than 50 stockists, apart from localised operations or franchisees in a number of countries.

Established in Hong Kong in 1998, QNET is a member of the Direct Selling Association of Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. QNET is also a part of the Hong Kong Health Food Association and the Health Supplements Industry Association of Singapore among others. Recently QNET became member of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Network- the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. 

QNET is active in sports sponsorships around the world, including Formula 1, football, badminton and one of the premier association of Tennis in India, due to the company's strong belief that the drive, passion and teamwork of sports mirrors that of QNET.


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