Sami Direct To Expand Presence In Kerala, India

Sami Direct, a direct selling company, is expanding its presence in Kerala with a range of neutraceutical and cosmaceutical products.
The plan is to introduce a range of sports nutritional and functional foods, including protein and fibres in various forms. For this, the Bengaluru headquartered company intends to engage over a lakh of people from the State by offering them independent entrepreneurship opportunities, Muhammed Majeed, founder, Sami Direct, said.
The expansion plan is part of the company’s strategy to become a more competitive global business, he said, adding that Sami Direct is the first Indian direct selling company with over 100 US patents.
The company, according to him, has also chalked out a roadmap by organising distributor-oriented training and educational awareness programmes as part of its marketing strategies. All these initiatives have to be driven as a sustained social campaign involving people-to-people connect.
The group is also planning to enter the GCC market in FY 16 by providing additional opportunity to both resident and non-resident Keralites.
Majeed, who is also the Managing Director of Sami Labs Ltd – the manufacturers and suppliers of herbal extracts – said the firm is also looking at starting contract farming of high-value herbs India. Shortage of these herbs in India has prompted the ?600-crore company to enter the field.
The herbs identified include monk fruit, Gac fruit, gyno stemma. Currently, India is depending on Thailand, Laos and Vietnam for many of these herbs.
Discussions are in progress with the Sikkim government to avail land in the North-East region for the farm. The company is also making ?50-crore investment to procure land in Maharashtra and Madurai to cater to herbs farming activities, he said.
About Sami Direct
For over 25 years the Sami Group has been unlocking the mystery of herbs, extracting the goodness, and gifting the world with good health. Sami Direct is supported by its very own R&D facility- SAMI LABS LTD., located in Bangalore. This state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary division pursues diverse fields of research with over 120 scientists focusing all efforts towards creating effective and safe products. With six highly advanced cutting-edge manufacturing units adhering to the strictest quality and safety standards, Sami Direct ensures that the highest quality of products are being produced. Todayday the Sami Group holds a strong intellectual property portfolio with over 70 US and International Patents to its credit including awards and recognitions worldwide.
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