Daniela Claudia Szasz – CEO BUYEZEE Interview

Daniela Claudia Szasz – was recently appointed as CEO BUYEZEE, a search comparison engine with a strong E-Commerce compensation plan.
Initially launching in 11 countries worldwide, USA, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, Thailand, their powerful search service allows shoppers to find the same product in multiple countries simultaneously, enabling them to instantly compare prices internationally.
A very timely service, given the rise in popularity of forward shipping to countries beyond Europe, such as Russia, Australia and Thailand.
BUYEZEE offers an Uni-Level compensation plan. Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Daniela Claudia Szasz.
Daniela, when did you start in Network Marketing and what were your stages till now?
At 23, I started network marketing in a large American company, Herbalife International. I didn’t know anything about network marketing; but I had a dream. I fulfilled my dream at the age of 27. I became the youngest single female Executive President (in the Marketingplan) in Europe.
By the time I was 30 years old, I had travelled the world and got to know and value many countries and the mentality of their people.
The following two years I developed an international special project for the company, “the Gen H Project” which supported young entrepreneurs.
January 2008 I started work at Company PM International. Within 6 months, I once again reached the level of International President’s Team. 2011; I advanced to the Gold Presidents Team Level, as the fastest rising Sales Partner at that time in the history of the company. I became a part of the Top 10 international Leaders in the company.
Internationally, I gathered experience and success in MLM and Network Marketing and helped many people find their success as well.
I’ve lived and worked in different countries. Amongst other professions, I’ve worked as a trainer and guest speaker within Europe: Italy, Turkey, Rumanian, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, France, Poland, Tschechien, as well as Asia, USA and Australia.
After 4 years i left the Company and my passive income to become a neutral Business trainer and Coach for the industry. You can have a little look at my background on my youtube link:
What are is strategy with BUYEZEE ?
Well my strategy is of course to bring my expirience and knowledge to the Company, especially for our B2B customers to open new markets for them. And that our Shop Owner & Shopreneurs achieve maximum growth in each area of our business model.
Our future strategies are clearly definated to make us, our new category to a worldwide leading company, which is bringing real value to the people.
How will distributors / members benefit?
In Network Marketing they are typically called distributors, in our e-commerce model we have created Shopreneurs.
Whilst working with an amazing team within Buyezee, the B2B customers (called Shop-Owners), shopreneurs will all benefit from the ongoing improvements that we have planned, to go soon to update level 4.0
As we look towards fulfilling the needs of the aspects of the business in the fairest possible way, where our partners finding themselfes as the Kings and Queens in the Company. They are most important to us, that you will see in our compensation plan. We called it the –be fair- plan.
Why does Buyezee and their approach to network marketing fit so well with you as CEO?
Primarily, it is a E-Commerce Network and so I have many different answers to this.
I have been active, as an independent company, personal development, success and business trainer, for more than four years now. I’ve led my own Go4Values series of seminars and coached numerous TOP Leaders and Executives in various companies. During this time I have also published three books.
In addition, within the last three years I’ve proven myself, supporting TOP Leaders to increase their turnover to over 200% in some cases, through the implementation of my methods. Buyezee asked me to become the President of International Training for the Company almost a year ago now, when the Company first started growing.
Prior to this, I was already contributing ideas for improvement, as a third party consultant. Last Autumn, I guess because the Shareholders and the Owners started to recognise the value of my ideas and my experience in this special field, (you gotta ask them) I was asked if I could run the company as their CEO.
I didn't look for this opportunity, neither did I ask or apply for it. Actually I was pleasantly surprised when I recognised the role they had asked me to fulfil. The Company sent me a proposal and after 3 days of thinking back and forth – I agreed.
One of the conditions that was most important to me was to keep my Go4Values Company, so that I could maintain my personal development seminars and to be able to keep on helping and advising my existing customers.
However, I knew that this would be an exciting new challenge for me – one which I'd never thought about. I had never even dreamed of becoming a CEO. But I am a person who loves to venture into the unknown, taking the occasional risk, in order to find out whats possible in life. Passion, drive and ambition has, if you look back at my history and what I have accomplished, always been the driving force behind my success today.
Buyezee is not a conventional Network Marketing company, instead it is a hybrid of rather more – something that did not exist before. Their combination of e-commerce, which is exploding in terms of growth cobined with a fair and balanced career plan, that suits people of all skills, budgets and ambition really appealed to me to get involved.
We are talking about E-Commerce here, a completely different model to other network marketing companies in so many ways. Buyezee fits with me because it has no real overlap with a classical networking company.
For myself, after 20 years in this industry and 16 years in classical network marketing companies, I had to start thinking about the growth of the E-Commerce sector, which I had never done before. I also have to say Thank You to Buyezee for placing their trust in me. At the end everything is a business from one person to another and I love to work with people.
What are the highlights of the Buyezee compensation plan?
The whole plan is actually a highlight. Buyezee is very proud of their e-commerce compensation plan. As I have said, the team has worked hard to create a balanced plan that suits the needs of everyone wanting to get involved, regardless of background. I will try to highlight some of the aspects that I like the most about the plan.
- First people dont even need money to get started with us. They can have their own buyezee shop for free, free for lifetime and if they also want to participate on the compensation plan as a Shopreneur, they dont have to pay upfront our very low fee of 39,- Euro. When they start making money with us, they can pay it from their commissions. So there is no risk for them at all.
- Buyezee offers the flexibility to structure their team however they wish, allowing them to build as wide and as deep as they would like, and also compensates them for growth in both directions, plus, we pay 100% out of our CP. The Compensation plan is very transparent which is also unique in the industry.
- Very rarely does a company offer 9 ways to generate income, incorporating instant reward with regular, guaranteed, residual income. Buyezee offers this and more.
- Through the DoublePay system, Buyezee matches the income people earn from selected income streams, and pays them again over 12 months, offering a unique and stable residual income for the coming year. Unlike other companies, Buyezee does not dictate how they should spend this income, instead paying it directly into their commission account.
- Buyezee's approach centres around fairness, and as such, benefits such as DirectPay allow people with smaller amounts to invest to grow their business; incrementally adding to their achievements and unlocking further earning potential as they grow into leaders
- For the more established leaders and investors, they can unlock the rewards offered from our Tri9, RoyalPay and UltraMatch income streams, which in the case of Tri9, can pay up to an amazing €20,000 per business cycle – an attractive opportunity for anyone.
- We have had the best Marketingplan consultant working with us, to make something really unique. Have a look at the results under our english version
We allready are having famous leaders joining and more to come, as we are also looking for meeting you.
BUYEZEE present search data to our members in an easy, quick and informative template from a database compiled of millions of products from thousands of retailers. We are passionate in assisting our members being able to save time and money by using the Buyezee LLC Shopping Comparison, Daily Deals and Travel Services.
We work with thousands of trusted brands from all corners of the globe and continue to develop relationships that we feel can bring value, savings and quality to our members.
BUYEZEE provides you with an enormous department store, a prime location in the shopping mall for free. In this store, all products that exist worldwide are available simply everything. You can then use the products to get the best price available, without any charge to the customer. For more info please visit: www.buyezee.com and www.buyezee.net