Top Earner Johnnie Green – International Expansion Does Not Happen Overnight

Johnnie Green is a Top Earner and International Network marketing Leader with a team of hundreds of thousands.
Long before Johnnie Green became one of the top international networkers in the world, the former collegiate track and field star always had hopes of traveling the globe and giving people hope.
After numerous failed attempts, he would eventually hit a homerun in the network marketing industry. The Beattyville, Kentucky, USA native was no stranger to hard work and big dreams.
However, the road was not an easy one, but at the end of the day it's not how you start but it's how you finish!! He continues to share his experience and common sense to help others succeed and avoid making some of the same mistakes that he did.
This is what he went through, building his business. Johnnie Green:
Networking 101….
People tell me all of the time It must be nice and easy to build an international business. It looks like you are living the dream while traveling all over the world!
However, very few actually know what it takes to be successful on the international circuit. People often see the end results, but very few see the beginning or the actual endured process. Lets rewind:
1. My first trip to the Philippines, I did not sign a single person up into the business in 3 weeks. It was not until the third trip that I actually made progress.
2. My first two trips to Malaysia, I made $0 (actually lost money) and of course no one joined me. In fact, I flew 30 hours on a plane to meet two people and neither joined.
3. My first trip to Columbia, I got sick during the trip and was unable to leave the hotel…again 0 results.
4. My first trip to Singapore…great country, but to date I still have not personally sponsored anyone in Singapore.
5. My first trip to Thailand…I was by myself and I had this bright idea that I would meet all kinds of people in the cold market and share the products and business opportunity…great idea until I discovered the language barrier was by far one of the most difficult and no one could understand what I was that was another unproductive trip.
6. My first trip tp Korea, I made the mistake of going in a January with no coat or winter clothes because I did not bother to check the weather…not only was it colder than Chicago, but I stood at the airport for 3 hours with two dead cell phones and finally caught an expensive taxi to my hotel once I was able figure out where I was staying.
All of this would seem like a series of bogus missions for the average person, but I look at it as a learning experience…one thing I learned how to do early on in life is to always identify something positive that comes out of every situation.
Johnnie Green's Team
So let me rewind and point out the positives:
1. Philippines…I met a really good dentists who takes care of my teeth and makes sure that my smile is on point and it has been going on 5 years now. The fact that no one joined me initially, it was ironic that the philippines led me back into countries such as malaysia, indonesia, hong kong, and the USA.
2. Malaysia..Kuala Lumpur is such a diverse city and it is clearly a melting pot. Two positives…the taxi driver stayed in contact with me and he ended going on to become a top producer. One of the ladies that told me NO on 8 different occasions eventually ended up joining me over a year later and she went on to become the #1 income earner in all of Asia. Never underestimate the power of a breakfast meeting.
3. Columbia…really cool nightlife.
4. Singapore…this would eventually become the first country that I would do my first large seminar for.
5. Thailand..would go on to meet some of the top networkers in the world at the mall of all places (i recognized then from the internet and youtube)…they took me under their wings and showed me step by step how to build the market effectively and also introduced me to some great people.
6. Korea… a gentleman showed me the ropes and how to build the korean market. I learned more in a week than I did in 3 years about international expansion into korea.
The moral of the story is: International expansion does not happen overnight and it takes time, patience, guts, and faith to be succesful long term!