Chris Terry – CEO iMarketsLive Interview

International Markets Live, Inc. (iMarketslive), based out of New York, USA bursted into the Direct Selling industry in 2013, and has nowadays approx. 50,000 members.
iMarketsLive provides a full array of retail trading products and services to a global audience for those who want to participate in the Forex & Futures Markets.
iMarketsLive has a bundled their products/services with a Network Marketing compensation plan that allows its IBO’s to earn a generous income by simply sharing their services with others and building a residual income though building a network of IBO’s and customers.
Founder & CEO, Christopher Terry is a multiple 8 figure trader and has been trading & educating in the Forex, Futures, and Equity markets since 1994. Chris has been a Headline speaker at the major derivative conferences, has been mentioned in several books and written many magazine articles.
The Live Trading Room allows members to “Earn & Learn” by following the experts during the London & New York Trading Sessions via an online video webinar platform. is their “mirror trader” that provides a “Hands Free” trading experience that allows members to pick and choose the trader they want to follow and automatically mirror the trades of the expert traders.
IML Harmonic Scanner scans the 30 major market crosses and pairs for high probability trade patterns and provides an Entry, Stop, and Target price. This scanner is featured daily in the Live Trading Room.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Chris Terry:
Chris, why did you choose Direct Selling / Network Marketing as IML's sales strategy?
I love Direct Selling/Network Marketing, this is truly the purest form of free enterprise that allows any person with goals & dreams to create a high income with a very small startup cost.
I was in Amway many years ago and it left an amazing impression on me, I am a natural networker an enjoy meeting people, this is where the idea came to combine our products/services with network marketing, it’s never been done successfully before, and we are the first and only ones to do it.
Network Marketing allows me to fulfill my dream of being able to affect 100’s of thousands of lives in a positive way from around the globe and to share my knowledge of trading with them and helping impact their lives positively.
Your growth is impressive, can you share some company facts and figures?
iMarketsLive officially launched the Network Marketing side of the business on July 4th, 2013, however our main products and services are nearly 18 years old.
iMarketsLive conducts business in over 120 countries and has a base of over 55,000 customers and IBO’s. Over 65% of our members login each and every day to at least one of our products & services. We focus on customer acquisition. Compared to other companies, we are small, yet we have our sights on being a world class brand name one day.
iMarketsLive is based in NYC, however, we are an internet based company and employee top tier programmers, support staff, call center, accounting, and compliance staff from around the globe. We also use one of the top MLM Attorneys in the USA to help keep us compliant.
Chris Terry On Stage
What was your biggest corporate challenge and how did you handle it?
Compliance. When you have such great products, everyone wants to use and share them with others, and it is very easy to lose focus of the goal, which is to help customers use and benefit from our products, and if they love them, share them. We saw the lack of customer to IBO ratio spread start to rise and the risk that can cause in a industry with such scrutiny.
We found that we had to make required adjustments, we took a stance as a company to be a primarily a customer base business with a Network Marketing model attached to it, this will keep us sustainable for the long term and attract good quality people into the future. We have seen an amazing response and support from our members.
As an Internet opportunity are you open in every country in the world?
No, we conduct business in only 120 + countries at this time, legally.
There are rumors in the industry iMarketslive did not pay commissions on time, is that true?
Well, that’s what it was, rumors that our site had been down, we were out of business, and nobody was paid. Furthest from the truth. We are extremely financially strong. Our site never was down, and everyone was paid.
The truth is we made some adjustments and emailed everyone in advance that we would be making adjustments and one of our bonus payments would be several days late due to the programmers delay in the coding, once it was completed, everyone was paid.
We have never missed a payment to anyone in our history, we have a lucrative compensation plan that allows others to earn a higher income then other competitors, and we keep our overhead expenses low, which can attract jealousy from others, hence opportunists used it to knock us and promote their company, and as you know created rumors, not facts.
What are your plans for the future?
Firstly, it’s to continue to provide opportunity for those who have goals and dreams to become traders or learn the markets from anywhere around the globe.
When we look at the Forex & Futures space on both the retail market and the MLM market, we completely dominate it, we have virtually no competition whatsoever. Our products and services are cutting edge and we provide the only products that people can make money by using.
We try to compare our Live Trading Room, Scanner, Mirror Trader, educational webinars, and video library to other firms, and we cannot find another firm that provides anything remotely close, however we feel we need to do more.
- May 2016- IML Harmonic Scanner for Web Browser, no download required to use our scanner online.
- May- June 2016- FXSignalsLive – adding 4 new traders to our team of experts.
- June 2016- IML University- a complete A-Z Course on trading.
- July-August 2016 – Futures Mirror Trader
- August- September 2016- IML Scanner/Robotic Trader.
- September- October – Two New Robotic Scanners/Traders
We are working with top tier marketing, compliance, and consulting teams who have built companies to the hundreds of millions.
We have a ton of excitement on our Network Marketing side, our plans are to continue to grow globally, we have of the most amazing leaders in the industry that are attracted to our company.
Our Goal is to continue to be the only Forex & Futures portal in the industry that provides top quality products & services that our members are proud of and it’s evident for the fact of our global presence.
We continue to strive to improve our compensation plan for our members, and provide them a solid secure future with a future Billion Dollar Brand company.
I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to share our company with your audience.
Get more information, facts and figures about IYOVIA, click here for the IYOVIA overview.
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I am very very impress. Indeed, i been looking for where i can learn how to trade forex and earn money at the same time.
Solomon Egbe
I have been with IML for a year and a half now, have learnt EVERYTHING through IML, and have profited through the services, but I put the work in.
I have a telegram channel right now with over 1200 people on it where i help people on a daily basis and send them analysis, all thanks to IML!
IML is AMAZING!! Simply put!!!
Realise that within this journey, hard work needs to be put in and you need to completely switch your mentality to a business person’s mentality. However, if you are serious, coachable and consistent, you put yourself in a position to make money!!
Check on my instagram, I have posted a video of Chris Terry and what he did for us when he came down to London!!!
I’d be happy to guide anyone further and help them out, don’t be shy, drop me a message on instagram!
Insta: @PipsOfPersia