Seldia Appoints Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl New Chairman

Seldia, the leading European Direct Selling Association, has a new chairman.
At their annual meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, October 5th 2016, the members elected Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, CEO of the international direct selling company LR Health & Beauty with its headquarter in Germany, as Chairman for the next two years.
“I am looking forward to this exciting new task. Seldia is well-prepared for the upcoming challenges and enjoys high acceptance among the decision-makers in Brussels. Therefore, we have to actively represent our members’ interests and set standards for the industry,” stated Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl.
14.5 million people in Europe are involved in direct selling. This makes Europe the third-largest market for this business model after the US, also giving it a high relevance on the job market.
“Given the great challenges that many European countries are faced with, it is equally important to me to establish direct sales as a modern business model that can be flexibly adapted to individual life situations and offers opportunities for self-determined work,” explains Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl. Flexible working models are a big trend on the job market. Independent entrepreneurship allows a high degree of work-life balance. Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl: “In this vein, we need to ensure transparency, establish clear framework conditions and strengthen the confidence in our sector.”
About Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl
Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl is the CEO of LR Health & Beauty since September 1st 2015. After his commercial law studies and the following doctorate on European antitrust law the son of an entrepreneurial family founded together with friends an own start-up company in Düsseldorf. An offer from bofrost* convinced him to change to the management team of the direct selling company in Straelen. For 14 years working in different management positions, Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl ranks among the most successful modernizers of the direct selling sector.
Seldia in Brussels
Seldia – the European Direct Selling Association was established in 1968 and represents the Direct Selling industry in Europe. Seldia’s mission is to promote direct selling to the EU institutions and to ensure that the EU and national policy makers in Europe are aware of the industry’s benefits and advantages, as well as its contribution to national economies. Seldia membership includes 28 national Direct Selling Associations and 18 Corporate Member companies. Seldia is a member of EuroCommerce and a member of the World Federation of Direct Selling Association’s (WfDSA). All Seldia Members distribute top quality products, abide by the highest ethical standards and are signatories to the European Direct Selling Codes of Conduct.