Nu Skin Q3 Sales Up 6% To $604 Million
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: NUS) today announced third-quarter revenue above guidance at $604.2 million, compared to $571.3 million in the prior-year period. Quarterly revenue improved 6 percent, or 4 percent on a constant-currency basis.
Earnings per share for the quarter were $0.98 and included a $0.09 positive impact from closing operations in Venezuela. Earnings per share in the prior-year period were $0.28 and were negatively impacted by several factors, including a $0.43 per share inventory write down.
We are pleased that we exceeded guidance and posted year-over-year growth during the quarter, said Truman Hunt, president and chief executive officer.
We introduced ageLOC Youth in South Korea in the quarter and saw continued enthusiasm around the globe for our latest ageLOC products. We produced double-digit gains in North Asia and Greater China and posted growth in each of our regions with the exception of South Asia/Pacific, where a significant limited-time offer in the prior year made for a difficult comparison. We also generated modest growth in sales leaders globally.
Founded more than 30 years ago,
Since its introduction in 2008, the ageLOC brand has generated more than
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