Top Leader Johnnie Green Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Johnnie Green is commonly referred to as the ghost in Network Marketing because of his unique style of building, and is based in Jamaica and Houston, Texas, USA.
This humble international superstar has built organizations of more than 500,000+ people expanding throughout 6 continents and has created hundreds of six-figure earners and several multiple seven-figure earners.
He joined the business as a college student, when the possibility of making an extra thousand dollars a month sounded very exciting. Thinking outside the box, Johnnie saw network marketing as a vehicle to create a different life from the tedious jobs he found himself in and got started by offering the opportunity to fellow students. Originally from Beattyville, Kentucky, he also reached out to low-income families he grew up with.
Johnnie quickly grew a domestic team, and then his business really took off when one day he was approached by someone in Malaysia looking to join a U.S.-based company. Over time, he built a huge team all over the world.
Johnnie learned so much from his experiences that, at a young age, he became a consultant who now helps companies launch new markets around the world. One key to his success he says is being able to relate to people from all walks of life. He remembers when his team was 100% African American, one of his mentors told him to go out and recruit five people who don't look like you.
Johnnie took his advice to heart and focused on creating different success stories, constantly helping his leaders move forward, build them up, break records, and edify. Johnnie is passionate about sharing these stories and giving people hope wherever he goes.
As Johnnie says,
As a leader you have to believe in yourself when nobody believes in you. You must have vision, faith, and confidence. We all have some skill, something we are good at, and once we identify our weaknesses, we can turn them into strengths.
The last thing I tell people is, 'Save your money.' Many networkers who have these amazing stories go out and spend money like there's no tomorrow. Make sure to save or invest it wisely.
Johnnie's goal is to devote more of his time in the future to teaching and mentoring young people.
Meet Johnnie Green live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
It is delivered in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned so you will feel safe to share this Business Event with your Team.
Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have Fun with the ultimate Experts. Discover the Trends, Learn from the Experts!
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
VIP and Early Bird tickets can be booked here: