What is your Down-line Worth?
Regular Business For Home receive emails from distributors who want to sell for some reason their position. Recently we received this mesage:
Hi, I am selling my position in (Company name remove), a solid company with excellent products. Not building this downline anymore and haven't for some time, so I'm considering offers.
Runaway leg has $40million, yes $40 million and does between $50,000 and $125,000 weekly in revenue. Strong leg in the binary has over 105,000 people.
Only have to build one leg. Great start for someone who can recruit well and has a passion for the products of this company. Email me for details if you are interested. have proof of current stats will give access to my back office.
We ask several network marketing professionals about their opinion.
What is this downline worth?
A couple responses:
“Ok this is what this is: this guy was enrolled by a leader who built one leg for them and they did absolutely nothing with their other leg. Now they are trying to sell it. I have a ton of those in my business. As does every other big leader.
Most people do zero work and get zero dollars. This is just basically a power leg position which any REAL LEADER can get for free if they wanted. It's worthless. It's worth millions to the guy who actually builds with it. But worthless to the people who still do nothing yet again with another opportunity they've been given.”
Position is worthless! A true leader and professional doesn't do this. If he is asking $50,000 why didn't he keep building the position that can have the advantage to positions him with a good income. So sick of people like this in our profession.
Is that guy selling off his downline stupid, greedy or a little bit of both?! He won't get 5 cents for an underperforming organization that is crumbling. He's just trying to milk the fact that he has a ton of volume on the live leg! It's not gonna happen!
Value, it's all about payback. $50k is a huge business hole for NWM. The seller doesn't understand how to sell a business. They think they have an opportunity to sell, but it's worth much less without income. You would earn more starting with nothing and building.
There are (ten) thousands of people who sign up in an early stage for a (binary) opportunity, sit and watch 1 leg grow. No surprise such an organization has little or no value.
Compensation plans do not reward signing up only, they reward distributors bringing in business….