Top Leaders Tom and Denice Chenault Speakers At The European Direct Selling Congress

Tom and Denice Chenault are multi million dollar earners in the Direct Selling industry.
Tom, is a passionate man. Whether he is on the air with his radio program Tom Chenault Show or on the phone encouraging a team member or spending time with his wonderful family, you can be sure he is doing it with all that he has.
Tom has lived his entire life as if it were the gift he always wanted.
His life has been one big adventure. Tom has been a corporate airplane salesman, a stock broker, a public relations firm owner, a radio show host, and an ultra-successful network marketer.
While Tom has made and lost a lot of money during his career(s), he has never lost his infectious sense of humor and his ability to rise to the top of his profession…and help others to do the same.
Tom Chenault:
Network marketing is a little bit like David and Goliath…the little guy winning against seemingly unsurmountable odds. It's what I love about the profession.
No entitlement, no tenure or anything else required to be successful. It lets guys like me compete equally with people much smarter, much better looking and more degreed. And win!
Meet Tom & Denice live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
It is delivered in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned so you will feel safe to share this Business Event with your Team.
Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have Fun with the ultimate Experts. Discover the Trends, Learn from the Experts!
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
VIP and Early Bird tickets can be booked here: