Bode Pro Launch Massive Success $50 Million In Sales Projected

Most in the industry know of Boreyko's 20+ year track record as a CEO, 2 start ups with each one exceeding $1 billion USD in total sales. Some say third times a charm and this is one CEO that could use all the charm possible.
3.7 may just be a couple of numbers to most people, but in the world of BK Boreyko, it marks the launch date of his third start up company Bode Pro.
Just a little over 2 months ago, Boreyko announced the launch of a new company with a new approach to network marketing. 65 days later on March 7th, that vision came alive.
We think everyone with a social media presence has been exposed to influencer marketing. These social media influencers with 1+ million followers allows companies a unique way to target a product or a product.
What Boreyko saw being ignored are the micro influencers. These are the social media users with 100 to 100,000+ followers and to them, social media is just a hobby…until Bode Pro.
We have to hand it to Boreyko, his strategy is to massively attract customers while attracting a new segment of people to the networking industry that may never have joined before.
Our play is a pure direct to customer model with a backend commission plan. I find it refreshing to talk to these micro influencers and share our model with them. They react like I'm showing them color TV for the first time.
They've really never heard of this kind of a concept in the social space before.' states Boreyko,
'If we're in the business of having conversations and creating sales to customers based on recommendations, nothing on the planet can do it faster and bigger than social media. Micro influencers don't really have any options to monetize their efforts.
All we need to do now is show that our technology delivers massive value and prove this concept works, and I'm about proving myself lately.
About Bode Pro
Bode Pro was founded by BK Boreyko along with his two sisters Karen and Lauren in January, 2017 and launched March 7, 2017. As a God sourced company, Bode Pro unique marketing approach is rooted in the 20+ years of marketing experience of the Boreykos.
First fiscal year sales are projected $50 million in the combined markets of the US and later in 2017, in Europe. For more information, visit