Top Leader Steve Mitchell Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress
Steve Mitchell has 26 years of Direct Selling Industry Experience, with career earnings over $10 million.
He helped thousands to start their own home-based business, and improve their quality of life and is a constisten Multi Million dollar earner.
Back 35 years ago Steve Mitchell owned a thriving chain of successful pizza restaurants, earning him a small fortune, and achieving millionaire status by the time he was 26 years old.
For seven years, things went fantastic; his income was high and he had the lifestyle to go with it. But then within the space of two years the market changed and Steve admits he didn’t change fast enough with the conclusion that his pizzerias went bust and Steve lost everything.
Meet Steve Mitchell live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
Today, Steve is financially independent once again, living a lifestyle most people dream about – he literally has made millions ‘working from home’.
More important to Steve is that he has helped literally tens of thousands of people start their own home-based business, and be their own boss. Steve says
“having fun, making money and changing other people’s lives in a positive way, all working from home– that has to be a great way to live life!”
Steve Mitchell was a broke pizza-man who lost everything, who now earns 6-figures a month working from his favourite chair at home – he is committed to helping you do the same, if you want to.
With so many people finding themselves in difficult economic times needing to increase their income and yet fewer jobs available to produce that income, more and more people are attracted to ‘being their own boss’ and starting their own home-based business.
Steve has helped over 162,000 people successfully start their own fun, lucrative, home-based business, and he has coached and mentored these individuals to help them grow into successful entrepreneurs.
Steve describes this business as
“the last bastion of free enterprise for the majority of people who are serious about living the life they really want. More and more people want the lifestyle that comes from working from home, with the financial freedom that brings, and the immeasurable time freedom to live the life most people want – I help people achieve that”.
Meet Steve Mitchell live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
VIP and Early Bird tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
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Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have Fun with the ultimate Experts. Discover the Trends, Learn from the Experts!
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam
VIP and Early Bird tickets can be booked here: