Why Is Network Marketing So Appealing To Stay At Home Moms?

Top leader Jeff Welch asked this question in a recent Facebook post and Top Leader Melanie Milletics nailed it with her comment:
When I got started in Network Marketing, I had a nursing baby and next to no circle of influence in the USA. I found NM online, and learned to build communities of friends all over the world.
Then we had a second child, and with little people all around, all the time, I still managed to build international teams.
My babies are both taller than I am now, and I'm still up to help them get ready for school, and there to pick them up after to make certain they are safe and well nourished.
I am careful about what goes in their bodies and minds, and have a finger on their friendships to make sure they are GOOD
I have been able to be the MOM I desired to be, thanks to Network Marketing!
It was better than working 12-18 hour shifts at the hospital. For 3 years while in NM, I was able to watch my daughter get on the school bus or drop her off at school and pick her up on the afternoon.
I was able to be involved as a PTO mom and never miss any extra curricular activities she had to do from cheerleading, dance, acting, basketball, kickboxing and etc.. compared to she use to be the first one at daycare/before school program at 630 am and the last one there at 6p then she had to go to a friend's house since I Used to work 7a-7p or 7a-11p.
No one to ask for time off!! I get to go to all my kids games, events, volunteer at school if I want… lay low in the summer when they are home bc I hustled during the school year! So many benefits! Wouldn't do anything else! I've been in the corporate world! The grass IS greener!