Qun Zhang From Canada – A Limitless Future With LEO
In the space of less than three years, Qun Zhang (or ‘Stone’ to his friends), has worked his way up to the dizzying heights of Regional Marketing Director rank with global entrepreneurship training company, Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO).
This talented and determined direct selling entrepreneur has most definitely found his forte with LEO, and now his future looks limitless.
Based in Toronto, Canada, Stone left behind a background as a Financial Advisor to join LEO in March 2014. Although this was something of a leap of faith at the time, as the organisation was still a fledgling company, just established in 2012, Stone’s strong business sense paid off.
Three years later, and both LEO and Stone have gone from strength to strength together – LEO rapidly expanding worldwide and Stone building a booming business of his own.
Highly regarded within the company, Stone has made impressive progress in just a few short years. So, in order to learn more about his undeniable business acumen,
Ted Nuyten asked Stone some searching questions:
Congratulations on reaching the impressive rank of Regional Marketing Director in less than three short years – what would you say is your secret to this spectacular success?
Thank you, yes I achieved Regional Marketing Director rank on 15 January this year, and am so happy with this success. It was a great way to start the year, as the rank came with a fabulous £100,000 property award and 2017 now looks full of promise! If I have any secret behind this success, it is only that I don’t stop trying and never give up. This achievement will just spur me on to even bigger and better things, as my mantra of ‘try, try, try’ has stood me in good stead so far, and I am not about to stop now! I am also immensely thankful for what I’ve achieved and believe that humility and inclusiveness are important, as I owe much of my success to the great team I work with and a company which believes diversity is empowering.
You sound like something of an unstoppable force, but what motivates you most to succeed in your LEO business?
Well, I can’t deny that the rank rewards are a strong motivator for me, driving me on. It’s great to achieve recognition for your efforts, but rewards such as these are impressive and make all the hard work worthwhile. I also have to say that I particularly enjoy the travel incentives – I have had the opportunity to travel to so many exciting places with LEO that I might not have had the chance to visit otherwise, and I never get tired of this. For example, this year’s LEO Global Annual Conference, at the end of April, will be held in Kuala Lumpur – a fantastic destination! It’s really something to look forward to, as it will be an amazing celebration of five years of LEO – I can’t wait!
What led you to join LEO and what do you like most about the organisation?
I am an adventurous person who likes to explore and I could recognise in LEO the promise of a really bright future. I love to learn, and I could see a powerful opportunity to learn great things with this entrepreneurship training company, and, thankfully, my instincts have proved true. I could also see in Dan Andersson, LEO CEO, an impressive entrepreneur who was a strong leader with great business experience, and I knew I could learn a lot from him too. I also greatly admire the spirit of innovation which is at the core of LEO, and how it helps budding entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.
You clearly work very hard at running your LEO business, but how does this fit in with your family life?
Although direct selling is a challenging industry, I believe in working hard to achieve business success, which is possible with the right company. I firmly believe in my original choice to join LEO and my family fully supports my decision. LEO has greatly changed our lives for the better, and my family is right behind me in my business venture. We are very thankful for the success so far, and are full of excitement and expectations for what we see as a limitless future with LEO!
Do you have any tips to give to others who might be thinking of starting a direct selling business?
This can really be summed up in one word – ‘Try’! You don’t get anywhere without trying, and although it takes hard work, with persistence, you can succeed.
About LEO
Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO) is an entrepreneurship training company which uses personal recommendation to introduce Members to its products and services. Established in 2012, LEO is a global organisation with eight offices spanning five continents, and has over 200,000 Members in more than 120 countries.
LEO has a unique programme which helps people to LEARN, with the training products it provides, EARN at the same time, by marketing these products, and also has a selection of ownership award programmes that help Members achieve their dream to OWN a successful business.
LEO’s core products are designed to help people start their own business – eLearning, eTutoring, Live Seminars and Technology, including the LEO News app, which provides up-to-the minute information straight to your phone, and the innovative Smart 3.0 app, set to be introduced very shortly. This groundbreaking business tool will help manage the recruitment process, provide business-building guidance and deliver rewards when milestones are achieved. However, the LEO Ecosystem does not stop there, as it also includes a digital currency, LEOcoin, and crowdfunding platform, LEOcrowd.