Total Life Changes IBOs Empower Disadvantaged Youth

Independent Business Owner, Veleké Brown takes Total Life Changes to an entirely new level of empathy and love to foster the mental, physical and spiritual growth of today’s youth. She is the founder and CEO of E-Roadmap Corporation, a nonprofit organization devoted to the enrichment and empowerment of young minds to ensure the building blocks of a sustainable future.
In 2008, a vision emerged of starting a Nonprofit business to teach middle and high school students entrepreneurship, financial literacy, life skills, personal development, etiquette, trauma, social and emotional coping skills and much more.
ERM is very passionate about teaching the value of being an independent business owner. “When we see young adults graduating from college, going into their first job and expecting a pipe dream (high salary, great benefits and job security) only to be disappointed…it is heartbreaking.
Jim Rohn, a world-renowned motivational speaker says, “If only they had taught Wealth 101, I would have taken that in school.” Now is the perfect time to start changing the mindset of our youth and we are well on our way, says Founder and CEO of E-Roadmap, Veleké Brown.
E-Roadmap Corporation believes that sustainable economic growth requires entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs create new jobs, contribute to economic expansion, and become stakeholders in supporting a healthy business environment.
Veleké Brown discusses her beliefs and experiences of entrepreneurship:
“We want to introduce personal development philosophies early on to help shape the future of our youth.” I grew up in the world of Network Marketing and I owe my success to many mentors, accountability partners and teammates who helped shape my vision and thoughts along my journey. As an Independent Business Owner (IBO) with Total Life Changes, I experienced great success in all areas of life.”
“My personal physical health and that of my family members improved dramatically thanks to the amazing products such as the Iaso® Tea, NRG, Gano, NutraBurst, Stem Sense, Techui and Envidia. My mother is a 2-time Breast Cancer survivor. To have the detox tea, NutraBurst and Gano readily available for her has significantly enhanced her health. My father found himself dealing with high blood pressure and an enlarged prostrate. The same regimen relieved him of pain and symptoms. My brother was hit by a drunk driver years ago, had brain surgery and was temporarily paralyzed. Fortunately, today he can walk and move about in life; however, my brother still suffers with inflammation in his brain and throughout his body. TLC products are a daily regimen of his continued recovery.”
Total Life Changes is a family that celebrates the success of others. Brown’s team is blessed to have individuals from “the Top” reach down, with their hands, words and actions to lift us up to success. Since inception, Mrs. Twiler Portis has been extremely instrumental in the development and expansion of our team.
She carries with her two hearts, hers and that of her late husband Mr. Erwin Portis. Lenika and Gregg Scott are amazingly kind people who have always been there on the front lines asking, “How can we help!” Mr. Buddy Lee is a master at finding vending events and offering to connect reps with opportunities to help them generate income. Jarrod and Porshea Wilkins are a dynamic power couple full of inspiration and willingly give to anyone in need of inspiration and hope.
Brown’s business partner with ERM, Sean Terrell, is also a fellow teammate of TLC. He is the mastermind behind the Young Black Male initiatives we offer nationwide. It is of no surprise when they decided to focus their energies on teaching entrepreneurship to youth, these same individuals donated their time and resources immediately. The TLC family shares ERM articles, donates financially, gives their time mentoring and much more.
“At our most recent event called, Shark Tank on June 1st, we looked in the audience and saw National Director, Jason L. Scott 1st in attendance. The feeling of knowing someone believes in you and is paying attention to you, does wonders for the soul. This is the feeling TLC family extends to us and we pass on those same love vibes to our youth,” adds Veleké Brown.
Reginale Durandisse, For The Children, Inc. Founder & CEO: “Lake Worth kids don’t always realize they have a skill to sell. This gives them a platform.”
Anestacha Jean Mary, Entrepreneurship Program student. 2nd place winner of Lake Worth Shark Tank. “E-Roadmap has taught me that I must always continue to ‘Better my Best’; that there are opportunities within every circumstance, all you need to do is go and get them. E-Roadmap has enabled me to become more resilient, confident and an amazing entrepreneur.”
Ketena Jean Jacques, Entrepreneurship Program student. 1st place winner of Lake Worth Shark Tank “E-Roadmap is a personal development organization that is dedicated to my success. I definitely feel successful and empowered to have the opportunity to take a front seat ride on a hopeful journey. I have learned that there are many bumps in the road but there is one set destination to success and stay focused.”
Stanley Etienne, Entrepreneurship Program student. Top participant in Lake Worth Shark Tank “E-Roadmap Corporation has taught me how to use my time wisely, connect with certain people to help make my business happen!”
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