Waewwan Kaewkomin From Thailand Achieves President Millonaire At World Global Network

Waewwan Kaewkomin and her mother

Waemann joined when she was 17 years old and her mother, Kingtian co-signed so she could start her business. She is now 18 years old and the youngest President Millionaire in the entire world. Age is truly just a number.

Waewwan is from Thailand and a student in University.  From 13 years old she had a dream to become rich like the millionaires that she saw on TV. From very early she told her mother she wants to become like them but her mother used to laughed at her and ask how was she going to accomplish it? Regardless she knew it was going to happen, she just didn’t know how.

From very young she started with small businesses selling anything she could but kept failing as she didn’t have any money or experience, but the drive was always there. She kept trying but started doubting herself and looking towards what her friends of the same age where doing. But then it dawned on her, she knew that if she wanted to be successful she knew she had to look for the right opportunity and follow those who are successful.

Last year when she saw WOR(l)D Global Network she was so excited about the product and realized how amazing it was – everyone would want it! Her belief grew further but she was faced with many people who kept saying she was too young so she should not pursue it.

Ignoring those negative voices, Waewwan pushed hard and in her first week she hit the rank of Diamond – making approximately $4,000 USD in that week! She was so excited and it drove her to keep pushing even harder!


She threw her teenager life away and became a business woman. She looked at all the leaders and knew she could do more if she just kept focused and kept working hard. In 4 months, she then became the youngest President in WOR(l)D.

But this wasn’t enough for her because her vision was set on reaching President Millionaire. Once again she kept focused, did ZOOMs every day, built her team, continued to work HARD, and every day she did not stop! Today she has achieved her goal – she is now a President Millionaire!

Many people ask her often “How did you do it?” Her reply –

The “how to” is only 10% of success. The rest is you need to know WHAT do you want, what is your dream, and work from your heart.

Her heart is what drives her. You have to have the belief in your heart and know YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t listen to those who are negative, don’t listen to that little voices which say you can’t. If you do you’ll have the life they have. You must listen to those who have the success you want and the life you want!

When she was at the Thailand “Change Your Life Event” she remembers hearing from Chad & Nattida- To become successful, you have to think about what would a President Millionaire do?

ollow what they do, how they speak, how they work, how they act, follow them! They work hard so she worked hard. Do exactly what they do and surround yourself with successful people! She also realized that she had to be at EVERY event that WOR(l)D or the leadership is offering.

In her University life, she has many friends who she doesn’t associate with because they aren’t focused on success. She sacrificed her teenage lifestyle to be a business woman, to surround herself with successful people and to learn from them. Throw your past away, don’t focus on your failures, focus on the life that you want.

From she was 16 years old, her dream was to stop working when she is 20 years old and to take her family all around the world. Today it is almost there and possible because of WOR(l)D!

When you dream, it’s not just about your imagination. When you dream you have to believe 100%. You have to add a colour in your mind, receive the sound of that dream – visualize it! Every day, Waewwan had her mother say to her “Welcome on the stage the youngest President Millionaire Waewwan…!”. Every day she heard it, visualized it, and said it to herself in the mirror every day. She believed in it and told herself that she is successful and amazing. The law of attraction!

Her message:

“If this little girl, with no experience, with no connections, with nothing can become a President Millionaire, every single one of you can become a President Millionaire too!”

About WOR(l)D GN

With an Headquarter in MIAMI, USA, WOR(l)D stands apart as a leader in the global markets of media, mobile and wearable technologies. In the 15 offices distrbuited in all the continents, WOR(l)D is employing the brightest minds and best professionals, constantly investing in great ideas and highly motivated people. Every WOR(l)D product reflects its passion for research, innovation and environmental responsibility.

WOR(l)D is a recognized as a leading player in the drive towards a more economically stable, socially connected world. Leveraging a new business paradigm, WOR(l)D seeks to transcend every social and economic boundary.

Using innovative products and a proven, direct selling business model wor(l)d is helping people around the globe to transform their lives—and their livelihoods. For more information please visit www.worldgn.com

Income disclaimer:

Practicality dictates that everyone’s results will vary as we are all unique and different. Basically, it takes hard work to make a substantial income in this business. Some people will make no money at all.

The earnings of a WOR(l)D Global Network partner will be 100% dependent upon their skills, work effort, commitment, leadership capabilities, and market conditions. Common sense would suggest that in most opportunities, one would find exceptional individuals performing well above average, while others perform under the average. WOR(l)D Global Network does not guarantee any level of income or your success.
The average participant in WOR(l)D global network earns less than $500 per year. This does not account for any business expenses that one might incur while building the business.


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