John Haremza – Valentus Is Stronger Than Ever
I just came back from the ANMP convention ( Association Of Network Marketing Professionals) in Dallas, Texas, USA and as always it was exciting to see so many very enthusiastic network marketers. As usual the speakers and the panels were outstanding.
One of the people I talked to was John Haremza. Just as an aside, his talk on Mindset was a crowd favorite.
I asked how he was enjoying the event.
In his opinion he believes the annual AMNP is one of the best, if not the best generic event in industry.
John was excited about meeting with his first mentor, who stopped John and complimented him on his talk (ironically it was a lot of Jeffs content from so many hears ago).
Jeff was my trainer from almost 30 years ago’ and recently highlighted on my site as one of the most most successful network marketing leaders ever.
To John spending an hour with Jeff Roberti was his highlight of the event. As John said, He is a genuine and kind person. It was for me a star struck moment. This is the man who I have always emulated and quoted, the person who got me started right’.
John used his advice in his book, Right or Almost Right’. Very profound advice, Talk to people’. Ok Jeff what if that does not work? Jeffs answer, Talk to more people’.
Timeless wisdom. But, does it work? Jeff Roberti has earned over $100 million and I can assure you he did not get to be there in the world by accident.
Then I asked how Valentus is doing?
John replied with a lot of excitement as to the state of Valentus.
With 30 years in the industry, every company has its challenges, its ups and downs and Valentus is no exception, 2017 was a challenge.
The real test of a company is not the good times but the challenging times.
I was impressed with our CEO, Dave Jordans handling of the challenges and making the corrections in the first half of 2018. Now we are stronger than ever and with new Slimroast Optimum Coffee which is in my opinion one of the best, if not the best weight loss product in industry.
The second half of 2018 will be extremely exciting and 2019 will take us to heights unknown.
You can get a free copy of Johns book, Right of Almost Right’ at