John Haremza Achieves Royal Diamond Rank With Valentus
According to a Valentus Press Release:
Valentus had its Optimum Advantage Conference at the Vancouver Wall Centre.
CEO Dave Jordan opened with a theme that then echoed through out the conference
“Valentus is growing, orders are flowing”.
This theme was perfect, and it reflected the amazing growth we have seen this past summer.
Despite the normal summer doldrums that impact every network marketing company, Valentus saw a summer of growth with higher volumes and new Diamonds every month.
A top Independent Rep, John Haremza, became the companies first Royal Diamond and he believes that this growth will continue and that 2019 will be the best year ever.
John stated:
I am impressed with the number of new people there, there was a feeling that the energy, the vibe, the feeling, the excitement was better and stronger than ever.
Valentus knows how important recognition is and they announced new pins to reflect the earnings of its leaders.
CEO and Founder Dave Jordan handed out pins to individuals who have seen earnings of $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000. It was amazing to see the money earned in a relatively small company and I can see incredible growth ahead.
Dave gave out more than 75 awards to Independent Reps including Independ Rep of the year to brand new triple Diamond Karen Ford.
Needless to say Valentus appears to be stronger and better and poised for significant success. So it is true that, “Valentus is growing, orders are flowing”.
The formulator for our next generation, SlimROAST Optimum Coffee spoke several times and it was more than obvious that this product is based on rock solid medical foundations. It actually interrupts signals from the brain to moderate our appetite.
It is easy to get excited with the testimonials that are so incredible, with story after story. with pictures of pounds lost.
About Valentus
In Latin, the word Valentus means prevail, defined as proving to be superior in strength, power, and influence. Recognizing that, we could n0t have picked a more fitting name for a company that strives to be the example in an industry that deserves a leader to follow.
Since day one, our focus, our passion, and our commitment have been to create a company, a product line, and an opportunity built on a foundation of integrity.
From creating significant levels of income, to building strong networks, healthy long-lasting relationships, making new friends, participating in activities you never even knew existed, having the time to do the things you love with the people you love to be with, VALENTUS can help you PREVAIL in ALL of your goals! For more information please visit