Dani Vanegas Achieves Diamond Rank With Success Factory – Dagcoin
Dani Vanegas, with 11 years of experience in network marketing, is a well-established business woman, who is also known for having strong leadership with an important base in the vocation of service.
This is one of the characteristics for which she was nominated to the Ambassadors Of Network Marketing Hall of Fame in 2018. Dani has also participated in different events such as the European Direct Sales Conference for Business From Home and the annual ANMP event.
In April of this year, Dani Vanegas made the decision to join Success Factory – Dagcoin, and more specifically, the team known as Success4All, led by Igor E. Alberts and Andreea Cimbala, the legendary couple in the industry of network marketing.
As part of this team, Dani had reached the Diamond rank extremely fast and has soon become a renowned lecturer and coach, highly valued by the company. On her decision, Dani tells:
“I decided to join the Success Factory company because of the person who invited me to the business: Andreea Cimbala. She put me in contact with key leaders in Latin America, so that they could show me the business. For example, Mario Vielmas.
He helped me understand the cryptocurrency and the project. Iulian Cimbala has been a great mentor to me along with Andreea, he has empowered me and helped me see what I could become. Having seen their results, their consistency, I could realize that they really earn what they say and live what they teach, have a number one their lifestyle.
So, I could be trained by the best in the world to continue building my network marketing career.”
Dani Vanegas is an experienced industry leader who has built teams of more than 50,000 people on several continents. And, from her point of view and her experience, her career so far in Success Factory has been surprising.
“The results so far have been incredible. Something that in other projects, took me years to achieve, here, we, my team and I, have been able to do in just a few months.
Becoming a Diamond is not easy, really. It is the result of perseverance, of hard work on yourself and of truly involving yourself in the growth of your team.
But with the right mentors, like Igor and Andreea, it’s easier.
And with the right company, the right team and the immediate and necessary mass action, you can exceed expectations and do extraordinary things.”
Dani Vanegas is also enthusiastic about the work that is being done at Success Factory – Dagcoin.
“At first, I wasn’t attracted to the highly technological concept. But I had the opportunity to visit the offices and talk with the founders.
The CEO, Nils Grossberg, and the CVO, Kris Ress, are incredible. Honest people, tireless, with a big heart.
Travelling with them and with Success4All is a fun experience that is both enriching and constructive. It’s like belonging to a big family where you can build with the confidence that your work and your reputation are important to everyone. And that together, we are doing something great.”
About Dagcoin
We are a growing and ambitious team based in Estonia, and our goal is to provide a new alternative currency for everyday use to create a common currency.
Our team is doing it by making cryptocurrency payments lightning fast, keeping the transaction fees unnoticeably low and creating a system as easy-to-use as possible.
When we talk about IT development, then this is a continuous never ending process because we live in the era of technology and there are so many bright minds in the world who come up with brilliant ideas all the time. We aim to implement as many of them as possible in our system.
For more information please visit www.dagcoin.org
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