Daniel Visser Achieves Blue Diamond Rank With Success Factory – DagCoin

Daniel Visser, from Groningen, Netherlands, boasts 16 years of experience in the network marketing industry.
At the beginning of this year, Daniel decided to become part of the Success Factory company, following the steps and advice of Igor E. Alberts, one of the founders and leaders of the renowned team Success 4 All.
Daniel Visser explains in his words:
“I was visiting Thailand in November 2017, where I heard about the opportunity. For years, I have been working with power couples from the Success4All team, Igor E. Alberts & Andreea Cimbala and Roald Mailly & Patricia Numan, so the choice was clear when they started with Success Factory.”
Since then, Daniel has reached the rank of Blue Diamond in the company and is now completely focused on its vision of network marketing and the future of cryptocurrencies.
With the concept of cryptocurrency gaining popularity in both financial sectors and the world of network marketing, Daniel explains why, in addition to the team, Success Factory and Dagcoin stand out in the market.
“What I really like about the company is that they have everything that is needed in the cryptocurrency industry. I was at the launch of Success Factory in February 2018 in Dubai and was very impressed with what they had already achieved.
What we all need is a cryptocurrency that gets faster every time a new transaction is made. And that is exactly what Dagcoin is offering: one of the fastest and most easy-to-use cryptocurrencies in the universe.
The humbleness, knowledge and a very strong vision of the founders completes the picture. They are really one step ahead in this industry.”
Daniel has several goals, among which is reaching the next rank, Black Diamond. But he also explains that he is developing strategies to create strong leadership in various parts of the world, not just in the Netherlands.
Some of those strategies, he says, are already bearing fruit.
“When I decided to start with Success Factory, I focused my effort on the success of the team, and that resulted in an international team with many strong leaders.
Thanks to Success4All, Igor and Andreea and their support from the beginning, I was able to reach the first goals very fast, and the team keeps growing. Not only in number, but in strength and in preparation.
We are discovering people with enormous potential and giving them the tools to make the most of it.
Together with the Success4All team, we are very focused on developing people in the team and travelling worldwide to provide support. It’s this really the best team you want to be a part of.
It is really good to be able to work on something that you are passionate about. And my passion is to help as many people as possible achieve their goals and lead them to greatness.”
About Dagcoin
We are a growing and ambitious team based in Estonia, and our goal is to provide a new alternative currency for everyday use to create a common currency.
Our team is doing it by making cryptocurrency payments lightning fast, keeping the transaction fees unnoticeably low and creating a system as easy-to-use as possible.
When we talk about IT development, then this is a continuous never ending process because we live in the era of technology and there are so many bright minds in the world who come up with brilliant ideas all the time. We aim to implement as many of them as possible in our system.
For more information please visit www.dagcoin.org
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