Rajiv Rai From Nepal Achieves Executive Rank With LEO

Rajiv Rai From Nepal Achieves Executive Rank With LEO

Originally from Nepal, and now living in Germany, Rajiv Rai is a truly inspirational young entrepreneur. Joining Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO), a global entrepreneurship training company, in 2015, he has achieved impressive success at a young age with his LEO direct selling business, and has recently reached Executive rank.

Armed with a positive mindset and a passion for his work, he has overcome all obstacles in his way, and now aims to help others in his native land achieve similar success.

The path to success has not always been smooth for this dynamic young direct selling professional from Nepal, who has had to combat deep-rooted mistrust of the industry in his home country. However, his determination to succeed has won through and he is now building an impressive global business.

So, we spoke to Rajiv to learn a little more about this extraordinary entrepreneur.

What led you to join LEO and what do you like most about the company?

I joined LEO because I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur and it was the best decision that I ever made.There are many things that I love about the company. I love the LEARN EARN OWN concept behind LEO, and especially its amazing education products. I also love its travel incentives, as each year LEO offers the chance to travel to new and exciting countries. LEO is a highly professional company and is run with great integrity and transparency. The company’s compensation plan is outstanding – with LEO, your hard work really pays off. LEO is a wonderful business platform for all. You don’t need to have a degree and it doesn’t require any huge capital. No matter what gender you are, no matter which religion you are and no matter what background you come from, it is suitable for everyone.

You have achieved such a lot at a young age – what is the key to your success?

Hard work, commitment and being passionate about what I do. Trust me, with these three things no one can stop you! You also need to be very focused and always have a positive mindset. However, the credit for my success should really go to my team. In this industry, it’s all about duplication and without my team I would never have reached this rank, as it has not been easy.

When I first joined LEO, I was totally new to this industry and I was the first person to represent my country, Nepal, in the company. It was not very easy to run a direct selling business in Nepal because there have been many scam companies there, so I faced a lot of rejections. I tried to give up many times, but my upline leader always encouraged me to keep going. So, no matter how many negative things come along in your life, no matter what other people think about you, you always need to believe in yourself and keep on going.

Has joining LEO changed your life for the better?

LEO has totally changed my life and my vision! If I was not in this industry, I just can’t imagine how difficult my life would be. A LEO business is very flexible. You can do this work from your living room in any corner of the world. I am currently staying in Germany and now work online building a global network across many differentcountries.

If you want to change your life, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur and fulfil your dreams then joining LEO is a great way to achieve this. You can travel around the world, you can be your own boss, you can work part time or full time, you can earn active and passive income, and you get the chance to meet like-minded people from across the globe.

What motivates you to do well in your LEO business?

My motivation to do well comes from my teammembers in Nepal, who are very young. They invest a lot of energy and commitment in the work they do with LEO which is so inspirational. Getting involved in this industry at such a young age is a great achievement for them and me. I can see the changes in them since joining LEO – they now have a clear vision for their future and are focused on their goals.

Nepal is a small and beautiful country but there is a lack of opportunities there, so many young people in Nepal don’t have a direction or vision in their life. I therefore want to educate and help these people through LEO.

What do your family think of your decision to join LEO?

My family are very supportive. They are my backbone and always wanted me to make sure that I was doing good business with the right company. My mum is my source of inspiration in my family. She is an entrepreneur and has lots of experience in business. She is so hard working and such a positive person which really motivates me and I have learned so many things from her. She knows what business is, so she always supports and encourages me. They are really happy with what I am doing and how I am helping other people too.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to start a direct selling revolution in my native country, with the help of LEO. Currently, the government in Nepal doesn’t support this industry because of the many scam companies in the market. People are therefore so negative when they talk about direct selling, but they don’t understand how this industry works. You need to look for reputable companies, like LEO, that are approved by direct selling associations, such as the Direct Selling Association UK. These are not get-rich-quick schemes and you need to work hard to achieve your goals. I want to educate people about how this industry can change people’s lives for the better. If you want to be an entrepreneur, the direct selling industry is the best option.

What would your advice be to someone who is thinking of starting a business?

My advice would be that you need to have a positive mindset, patience, persistence and commitment as well as working hard. No matter what kind of business you want to have or how big your business is going to be, with these things you will be a successful entrepreneur. In life, when opportunities come along you must try to grab them. Life is so beautiful, be a dynamic person and always make your vision big. Don’tspend your whole life working for others, be an entrepreneur.

About LEO

Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO)is a global entrepreneurship training company which uses personal recommendation to introduce Members to its products and services. Established in 2012, LEO now has 300,000 Members in more than 140 countries.

LEO has a unique programme which helps people to LEARN, with the training products it provides, EARNat the same time, by marketing these products, and also has a selection of ownership award programmes that help Members achieve their dream to OWNa successful business. LEO provides full training and support for all its new Members, including a helpful ‘Getting Started Guide’, which contains an invaluable system to follow to get their businesses off to the best start, referred to as the #LEOSYSTEM.

 LEO’s core products are designed to help people start their own business – eLearning, Live Seminars and Technology. LEO believes that everything is moving to the mobile platform. In response, LEO has developed apps that replicate its Member Back Office system and Marketing collateral support.However, the LEO Ecosystem does not stop there, as it also includes a digital currency, LEOcoin, and a crowdfunding platform, LEOcrowd.

 Rajiv Rai

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