Iulian Cimbala From Italy Achieves $465,000 And Crown Diamond Rank With Success Factory – Dagcoin

Iulian Cimbala From Italy Achieves $465,000 and Crown Diamond Rank With Success Factory - Dagcoin

Iulian Cimbala, a 26 years young leader who has created organizations with thousands of people throughout Europe, Latin America, Australia, Asia and Africa, is one of the most active members of Success4All, the extensive team led by Igor E. Alberts and Andreea Cimbala-Alberts.

Although Iulian enjoys direct communication with his team, it would be almost impossible to maintain it with each and every member regularly, since the team currently has more than 46,000 members worldwide.

In just a few years, Iulian has gone from being a young, enthusiastic apprentice to becoming a leader of great teams and a mentor to the next generation of network marketing professionals. A point in his favour, if you ask him, is the fact that he has always been clear about what he wanted to do with his life and has listened to the people who were already getting it.

That, combined with hard work and constant training. For Iulian, his absolute mentor is Igor E. Alberts, who is also now part of his family.

Recently, Iulian has seen how he exceeded his personal earnings record, not only in its collaboration with Success Factory, but in his entire track record, getting close to half a million a month. On this and other achievements in his career, Iulian reflects:

“I look back at where I come from and I really feel proud of my progress. I am proud as well of my leaders who are growing together with me and the company, which is doing more than they have ever promised.


What makes me proud is the fact that I’ve proven myself that I can make it, no matter where I come from, my age or my experience. If I did it, it means I can help other people to do it as well, and this makes me really excited.”

A few months ago, Iulian was also named a member of the so-called Circle of Champions, within the organization of Success Factory. It is a distinction to those leaders who represent certain values ​​and set an example of effort and growth. Iulian mentions his belonging to this group with great enthusiasm.

Iulian Cimbala in Russia

But what does an increase in turnover really mean for a leader with a team as widespread as that of Iulian Cimbala? He explains:

“To begin with, it is a confirmation that limits are only to be taken down, that miracles are possible for those who believe in them and, for me, that my family’s future has already been saved from poverty.


The next generations will have money, time, education and knowledge to maintain their financial freedom and decide on their lives.”

Iulian, who admits to having very humble origins, finds great tranquillity in thinking about the legacy he has already created for the next generation. But it also says that this kind of goals is not simple.

“Last year, I set this goal. In 2019, I was going to enter the Top 10 income earners worldwide. I think we can achieve what we aim at, but we must avoid those voices that tell us that we shouldn’t, that we won’t be able to and all the reasons why it is not possible.

The voice is still there, but I’ve already gotten it to take my side. Now it encourages me to go for bigger goals, to help my teams achieve what I have achieved, to trust in my heart.

Part of Iulian’s success lies in the 80-20 formula. He spends 80% of his time building his business, training people on his team or meeting people; and dedicates 20% to his private life. Another part of his success, according to his own words, is that he loves talking to people and sharing his enthusiasm about the life he lives and the business he develops.

“I meet new people every day and I always add them to my contact list. I like communication, I like to talk about my dreams, about the future, about my plans and, of course, about Success Factory.


I like to talk with my leaders about things that have nothing to do with the business, but also about their goals. I like to listen to them and make sure they are in the right vibration, on the right path for them.”

As Crown Diamond, Iulian also received special recognition at the latest global convention that Success Factory held in Dubai. That recognition was accompanied by keys to a luxurious apartment in Dubai.

“I had no clue about the place where it was going to be located. We went there with the owners of the company and some upcoming Crown Diamonds and we looked at this place in the middle if the desert, a place that in the next 6 months will have a city build on sand.

The event in Dubai was really mind-blowing. Our CVO Kris Ress gave us a clear picture of the future of this company and its place in this world. Tens of new pieces of our digital ecosystem around the coin were announced, and as always, the company showed everybody that it’s following the reality of today.”

Iulian Cimbala in Dubai

To conclude, I asked Iulian what he expected from 2019 and what goals he had planned to reach, but Iulian went a little further and talked about his long-term vision of the future. A vision that includes the creation of his own family:

In 2019, Success Factory will send a message to the whole world about the fact that we are the company chosen to change the world, one person at the time. Many partnerships and puzzle pieces of the ecosystem will come out, and for sure, I will be an Ambassador and there will be some new higher ranks.

My mentor Igor E. Alberts is coaching me to be able to take over his position soon, so the prospective of the future looks very bright, I even need shades!

 In 4 years from now, at the age of 30, I see myself starting to build a family where I have the time and the peaceful mindset to be able to care about it. I want my children to grow up in a rich mindset environment, entrepreneurial spirit and travel with me all around the world.

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