Kayleen Moll Achieves Ambassador Rank At Elepreneurs

Kayleen Moll Achieves Ambassador Rank At Elepreneurs

Ask Kayleen Moll about why she joined Elepreneurs, and the 33-year-old has a few answers.

“I wanted people to experience how good I felt on the product,” she says. “I also wanted to stay home with my little girl while still making a difference in people’s lives mentally, physically, and emotionally.”

The Michigan-based mother and wife has been able to do both of those things, thanks to her Elepreneurs business. Kayleen lives with daughter, Brooklyn, is expecting her son, James, any day now, and she’s been married to husband, Ryan—a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot—for the past eight years.

“I knew once I had my first cup of happy coffee and happy capsule there wasn’t any other product on the market like this,”

says Kayleen.

She went all in to the business, watching her own life transform along with the lives of others. “People are able to be free from anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases, overeating, and much more,” she explains.

“I personally have been able to get off my medication for Crohn’s disease because of the product D.O.S.E. and my diet.”

Along with her personal transformation, Kayleen has been able to help overhaul her family’s finances, while staying true to what matters most.

“This is the first time in my life that I’ve been a six-figure earner, making five figures a month,” she says of her full-time Elepreneurs business.


“It has given my husband and I the opportunity to give more to our church, organizations that we care about, and to people in need.

About Elepreneurs

Elepreneurs is on a mission to elevate your health, wealth, and happiness. We help you elevate your life through patented nutritional products, life-changing virtual success training, and a unique rewards program.

Elepreneurs actually builds happiness right into our powerful nutritional products. The superior, scientifically backed ingredients stimulate the happiness hormones — dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins — which we refer to as D.O.S.E. For more information, visit www.elepreneur.com.

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