Top Leader Christian Prada From Colombia Joins IM Mastery Academy

Top Leader Christian Prada From Colombia Joins IM Mastery Academy

Spanish version below

Christian Prada from Colombia, is a 27-year-old young man and together with his wife Mery has been in this industry for about 7 years.

In the first two years they did not get the results that they were looking for. This led them to move away from the network marketing industry and in Christian’s case leaving his country to Europe in search of better options for him and his family.

While he was working as a fruit picker, network marketing comes back and knocks on the door of his life and he decides to take advantage of that opportunity and knew that this time it would be different.

Christian said:

During the last 4 and a half years we have traveled through hundreds of cities within Colombia and throughout Latin America, positively impacting the lives of thousands of people.


Thanks to this industry, mentors and team we have created a team of 25,000+ people in more than 10 countries throughout Latin America, managed to generate multiple 6 figures in dollars per year and created new winners of 6 figures every year without having experience in the industry.

Today we are very excited to know that a new stage begins by associating ourselves with the leadership of great industry leaders such as Paloma Sansores, with whom we know to share in large industry scenarios such as GoPro and Tony Robbins and of course to work alongside Latinos highest paid in the industry Ivan and Monica Tapia.

We are convinced that if the last 4 years we have achieved impressive things in our team, we are now ready to go for much more and create new success stories, the vision is to impact more than 15,000 families throughout Latin America and the world in the next 12 months .

IM has the perfect combination to succeed within the MLM industry, it has a striking product or service, of massive use and very cool for the time, a compensation plan too powerful for those of us who love residual income and a unique leadership in the lead Chris Terry, Ivan Tapia and Alex Morton.

About IM Mastery Academy

IM Mastery Academy provides a full array of education, retail trading products and services to a global audience for those who want to participate in the Forex, Digital Currencies & Futures Markets. IM Mastery Academy services include Live Educational Mentorship in 13 languages, Trade Scanners and Algorithms, Signal Providers from trading veterans, a gamified learning process, mobile applications and a whole suite of other amazing services.

IM Mastery Academy has a bundled their products/services with a Network Marketing compensation plan that allows its IBO’s to earn a generous income by simply sharing their services with others and building a residual income through building a network of IBO’s and customers. For more information please visit

Spanish Version

Christian Prada es un jóven de 27 años que junto a su esposa Mery Jane han estado en ésta industria alrededor de 7 años, durante los dos primeros años no obtuvieron resultados económicos que buscaban lo que los llevó a alejarse de la industria de mercadeo en red y el caso de Christian salir de su país rumbo a Europa en búsqueda de mejores opciones para el y su familia, y mientras estaba trabajando como recolector de fruta el Network marketing vuelve y toca la puerta de su vida y decide aprovechar esa oportunidad y sabía que en esa ocasión si sería diferente.

Durante los últimos 4 años y medio hemos viajado por cientos de ciudades dentro de Colombia y por toda Latinoamérica impactando positivamente la vida de miles de personas.

Gracias a ésta industria, mentores y equipo hemos creado redes arriba de 25 mil personas en más de 10 países en toda Latinoamérica, logrado generar múltiples 6 cifras en dólares por año y creado nuevos ganadores de 6 cifras cada año sin tener experiencia en la industria.

Hoy estamos muy emocionados de saber que una nueva etapa comienza asociándonos al liderazgo de grandes referentes de la industria como Paloma Sansores, con quien nos conocemos de compartir en grandes escenarios de la industria como GoPro y Tonny Robbins y por supuesto de trabajar junto a los latinos mejor pagados de la industria Ivan y Monica tapia; estamos convencidos que si los últimos 4 años hemos logrado cosas impresionantes en nuestro equipo, ahora estamos listos para ir por mucho más y crear nuevas historias de éxito, la visión es impactar más de 15000 familias en toda latinoamérica y el mundo en los próximos 12 meses.

IM tiene la combinación perfecta para tener éxito dentro de la industria de MLM, tiene un producto o servicio llamativo, de uso masivo y muy cool para la época, un plan de compensación demasiado poderoso para quienes amamos un ingreso residual y un liderazgo único en cabeza de Chris Terry, Iván Tapia y Alex Morton.

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