Valentus Bahama’s Retreat Proves The Momentum

According to a Valentus press release:
Valentus CEO Dave Jordan with his wife Joyce returned from an amazing, unbelievable 7 days in the Bahamas. They celebrated our fantastic growth in 2019 with 30 top leaders and their guests from around the world.
Valentus leaders spent an incredible 7 days at the world’s top resort, the Atlantis Cove on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Not only did Dave and Joyce Jordan pick up the entire tab for this free 7-day luxury vacation but everyone there was given an extra $1,000 to spend as they saw fit. We had about 75 people from every continent.
The excitement is high and building towards our leadership event at the Green Valley Ranch May 14, 15. It’s almost sold out so don’t wait. We all had a great time with beautiful beaches, parasailing, swimming with sharks and yes, swimming with the pigs. We had some incredible announcements:
$5.00 face lift for our weight loss product with very unique state-of the art packaging
New products – Thermo Roast – but only in the North American market right now.
Dr. Joe Ahrens our 2 times nominee for the Nobel Prize, shared more on Emulin and the potential for more new products. This is a patented product with a published clinical study. Dave believes it will be a massive product based on the results we have seen so far. This group of our top leaders was super excited looking at 2020 and what is still to come.
About Valentus
In Latin, the word “Valentus” means “prevail,” defined as proving to be superior in strength, power, and influence. Recognizing that, we couldn’t have picked a more fitting name for a company that strives to be the example in an industry that deserves a leader to follow.
Since day one, our focus, our passion, and our commitment have been to create a company, a product line, and an opportunity built on a foundation of integrity.
From creating significant levels of income, to building strong networks, healthy long-lasting relationships, making new friends, participating in activities you never even knew existed, having the time to do the things you love with the people you love to be with, VALENTUS can help you PREVAIL in ALL of your goals! For more information please visit
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