Everyday A Holiday For Kuvera’s Platinum Ambassador Tomomi Nishimura From Japan

Everyday A Holiday For Kuvera's Platinum Ambassador Tomomi Nishimura From Japan

Since 2018, Tomomi Nishimura has held weekly webinars for her team no matter where in the world she was and what holiday was around the corner. Missing only a couple times in 2 years, her team has followed this example holding opportunity webinars, online training sessions, and overview meetings to become a true business from home.

As a Platinum Ambassador, Nishimura has fallen in love with the idea of helping her team reach financial success.

“This is what I love. I want to be instrumental in other’s happiness, not just to make money.” She tells her team that, “Presentations should be a present for people not just information and explanations. Your presentation should excite, show hope, potential and how bright the future can be. If you can do this, your teams will grow.” 

In the spring of 2017, Kuvera leader Eduard Khemchan, visited Bangkok for the first time. As he presented Kuvera he mentioned,

“I am looking for a leader who can build the Asian market with me.”

Nishimura instantly understood her opportunity. Eduard explained that Kuvera didn’t have any distributors in Asia. With nervous excitement Nishimura said “I am in!”

Soon after locking arms with Kuvera, she began travelling to Japan to hold monthly seminars.  Nishimura said about the experience, “It took a while to take off but we believed in a bright future, and that this is something people need in their life! We have a solid foundation of great leaders in Japan. I believe in Kuvera. The trust between the owners, corporate, and the respect for my sponsor Eduard has never been stronger”.

Tokyo born Nishimura has been living in Thailand for the last 7 years.

“I was just enjoying life, travelling the world but felt like something was missing”, Nishimura explains. “My friends started saying they couldn’t take holiday’s like I did or they couldn’t afford to bring their whole family, so when I was presented with Kuvera, it just made sense to share it with everyone I knew.”

Nishimura had been learning the financial markets and her friends had started to ask her advice on what stocks to trade and when to buy and when to sell, but at the time, she too was just learning. So when the Kuvera education and alerts system were introduced to her, she said she could feel it, that “this is the one”.

“I now have friends that use the services and have built the business who are still making money. That is what excites me. This is my happiness, to help my friends reach financial freedom! ‘If you can be honest, consistent, and show your true personality, you will bring friends, make new friends and you will be able to be happy, enjoy life and you too can make everyday a holiday.”

About Kuvera

Kuvera, a subsidiary of Investview, delivers financial education, technology and research to individuals through a subscription-based model. Kuvera provides research, education, and investment tools designed to assist the self-directed investor in successfully navigating the financial markets. These services include research, trade alerts, and live trading rooms that include instruction in equities, options, FOREX, ETFs, binary options, crowdfunding and cryptocurrency sector education.

In addition to trading tools and research, Kuvera also offers full education and software applications to assist the individual in debt reduction, increased savings and budgeting.

Each product subscription includes a core set of trading tools/research along with the personal finance management suite to provide an individual with complete access to the information necessary to cultivate and manage his or her financial situation. For more information, please visit kuveraglobal.com

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