Luis & Isabel Gudiño From Ecuador Achieve 2 Star President At ByDzyne

Luis & Isabel Gudiño From Ecuador Achieve 2 Star President At ByDzyne

Luis & Isabel Gudiño, top leaders from Ecuador join ByDzyne and achieve the prestigious rank of 2 Star President within their first 2 weeks. A 2 Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in 15 days or less.

With their first launch zoom exceeding 1000 attendees, success was inevitable for them. The worldwide profession of network marketing is filled with countless
stories of great hope, inspiration, success, and even miracles. One such story is off to an explosive start with the arrival at ByDzyne of Luis and Isabel Gudiño from the beautiful South American country of Ecuador.

This extraordinary husband/wife team are bringing their passionate leadership style and a compelling personal story to the New Generation business model of ByDzyne. They represent the fiery energy of millennial leadership and are determined to be a source of worthy influence and stellar results as they lead their team of soon to be thousands of new Brand Ambassadors. Only seven years ago, Luis and Isabel faced the financial uncertainty of personal bankruptcy, a huge debt of more than USD$90,000, and no permanent employment. On top of these significant challenges, they were blessed with a newborn daughter in the middle of these anxious times.

In what felt like perilous times, Luis and Isabel discovered network marketing and knew that this could be a vehicle that would allow them to change their history. As a couple blessed with a profound spiritual faith, they felt guided and comforted by the words, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.” With this guiding faith and remarkably hard work, they became victorious over the trauma of financial bankruptcy, paid their debts, and reversed the course of frustration and business disappointments.

Their network marketing results speak for themselves. They built teams of more than 25,000 people in 5 countries and earned commissions exceeding USD$350,000.

For three years they sat atop their previous company, experienced exponential growth, broke countless records, and won all available corporate awards and special bonuses. One of Luis’s guiding strengths is the power of his vision and his faith. This is exactly what led him to make a drastic and surprising decision to many people. But, for him, his family and his team, this was a necessary decision as they adapted to changes and current world trends. In his own words, Luis said

“I understood deeply that with the current public health pandemic, the world has been transformed, and that includes an overwhelming amount of financial insecurity.”

With their unstoppable faith, on July 1, 2020 at 7:30pm, local Ecuador time, Luis and Isabel officially launched their new success journey with ByDzyne.

“We have many reasons for joining this inspiring and innovative company, however, we will highlight only a few, as follows.

1. An expansive vision that includes both physical and digital products. This business platform belongs to the company of the future. With a spectrum of diversity, every ByDzyne entrepreneur and consumer has a personal Power of Choice and this will lead us to have a significant role in the Amazon of MLM.

2. We are grateful for a fair and generous compensation plan that is capable of generating significant income for Latin American families at a time when unemployment levels are overwhelming in our part of the world.

3. We have an enormous belief in the owners and corporate executive team, led by Chairman and Chairwoman, Nat and Chanida Puranaputra, worldwide legends in the profession that has so profoundly blessed our lives.

4. Finally, and most importantly, we chose ByDzyne because of our new mentors. Over the years, we have learned to have mentors in each area of our lives. People who have achieved the results that we want to achieve so they can show us the way to get there, challenge us to grow and get better, and have our backs in our journey to success. This is exactly what we have found in Chad and Nattida Chong, Founding Brand Ambassadors and Co-founders of ByDzyne. The first words they said to us were game-changers. ‘Loyalty can never lead to poverty.’ ‘We do not buy leaders at ByDzyne, we create millionaires by transforming their lives and showing them the way, step by step.”

Without any hesitation, Luis and Isabel are thrilled beyond words to have found their new home which matches perfectly their values and where leadership from the heart is felt in every aspect of the Company’s business operations. “Every cell in our bodies is totally certain that this is the vehicle to take our team and thousands of Latin families to achieve their dreams. We are committed, prepared, and ready to run. This is our very best moment and we have come to break records at ByDzyne.” With this level of commitment and belief, ByDzyne is honored and humbled to have this power couple as some of the newest members of BDNation.


Luis & Isabel Gudiño, Top Líderes de Ecuador se unieron a ByDzyne y alcanzaron el prestigioso rango Presidente 2 Estrellas en sus dos primeras semanas!!

Un presidente 2 estrellas produce más de $400.000 en ingresos por ventas en 15 días. En su primer lanzamiento por zoom superaron 1000 personas, el éxito era inevitable para ellos.

Luis e Isabel Gudiño, una pareja que hace 7 años enfrentó una quiebra financiera, con más de usd90.000 en deudas, sin un empleo fijo y con una hija recién nacida, encontraron en el Network Marketing el medio para cambiar su historia, conocidos por su fortaleza espiritual y su Fe, una de las frases con la que más se identifican es “Esfuérzate y sé Valiente, No Temas porque Dios está contigo”.

En sus años como Networkers, no sólo lograron pagar sus deudas, levantarse de su quiebra financiera, dar un giro de 180° a su realidad, sino que han creado equipos de más de 25.000 personas en 5 países diferentes, generando en comisiones más de usd350.000, se establecieron por más de 3 años como Top 1 de su anterior empresa con el mayor crecimiento exponencial, rompieron todos los récords y ganaron todos los premios y bonos corporativos.

Una de las fortalezas de Luis es el poder de su visión y su fe, y esto es lo que lo llevó a tomar una decisión drástica y sorpresiva para muchos, pero para el, su familia y equipo, una decisión necesaria, adaptándose a los cambios y la tendencia mundial actual, en sus palabras “el que no entiende con esta Pandemia, que el mundo se transformó, tendrá que ver como el dinero cambia de manos, sin pasar por las de ellos”.

Es así como el 1 de julio 2020, a las 7:30pm oficialmente hicieron su lanzamiento con ByDzyne, los motivos para unirse a esta gran empresa son muchos, pero destacamos principalmente: VISIÓN de ByDzyne, su versatilidad combinando 1. productos físicos espectaculares con todas las garantías, registros y certificaciones, 2. servicios digitales que cubren las necesidades del mundo actual, con una plataforma de negocio disponible a nivel mundial, que permite a cualquier persona realizar un negocio real desde su casa y generar nuevos ingresos. Con esta variedad en su portafolio, cada emprendedor y consumidor tiene “El Poder de la Elección”, estamos seguros de que ByDzyne será el próximo Amazon del MLM

2. Un plan de compensaciones acorde con el esfuerzo, enfoque y trabajo de los empresarios, que permita generar ingresos significativos que apoyen a las familias Latinas, más aún en este momento que los niveles de desempleo son abrumadores en nuestro Continente.

3. Sin duda los PROPIETARIOS Y EQUIPO CORPORATIVO, A la cabeza con Nat y Chanida Puranaputra CEO y Copropietarios, son Grandes Referentes y parte del Top Ingresos mundiales en la industria MLM de todos los tiempos, más de 70 años de experiencia y liderazgo combinados, creadores y mentores de un sinnúmero de millonarios; Chad y Nattida Chong, Fundadores de Embajadores de Marca y Copropietarios, la pareja Milenial #1 en ganancias en la industria, están dentro del Top de ganancias mundiales de la industria de todos los tiempos, más de 38 años de liderazgo y experiencia combinada; Sophia Wong Presidente y Copropietaria, más de 20 años de experiencia en su propia compañía MLM, es la mejor profesional en expansión local y global de la industria. Dave Phelps, VP Ejecutivo de Ventas, Ejecutivo Principal para 5 compañías diferentes de mil millones de dólares, experto en estrategias de ventas y expansión internacional, más de 30 años de experiencia corporativa.

4. Para cerrar con broche de oro las razones para escoger ByDzyne, y el punto fundamental para Luis e Isabel, son los MENTORES, “con los años hemos aprendido a tener mentores en cada área de nuestra vida, personas que hayan logrado los resultados que nosotros anhelamos y puedan mostrarnos el camino para llegar allá, nos desafíen a crecer y ser mejores, y nos acompañen en nuestro proceso al éxito” Luis-Isa, eso fue lo que encontramos en Chad y Nattida desde el primer día que los conocimos, impactaron nuestra vida desde sus primeras frases “la lealtad jamás puede llevarte a la escasez”, “Nosotros no compramos líderes en ByDzyne, nosotros creamos millonarios transformando su vida y mostrándoles el paso a paso”.

“realmente cada célula de nuestro cuerpo tiene la certeza de que este es el vehículo para llevar a nuestro equipo y miles de familias Latinas a alcanzar sus sueños, estamos comprometidos, preparados y listos para hacerlo, simplemente estamos en nuestro mejor momento, y venimos a romper récords en ByDzyne” Luis-Isa

About ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s multi-faceted approach disrupts the traditional industry model by first understanding that one size DOES NOT fit all. You were born into a particular culture, with unique tastes, interests, and desires. Therefore, ByDzyne™ was created with a purpose to celebrate your uniqueness and empower your extraordinary potential. The company’s exceptional “culture-crafted” products meet distinct
needs in key consumer markets, and their lucrative business opportunity was formulated to fuel your ideal lifestyle, as YOU see fit.

This customizable approach is a driving force that propels everything ByDzyne does and will do in the future. They proved this by already establishing 4 distinct verticals: Technology, Training, Travel and Transform. And 8 industries are represented in these diverse categories of products and services: Forex, Online Marketing, Internet of Things (iOT), Lifestyle, CBD, Skincare, Weight Management, and Wellness. At ByDzyne’s core, they believe that this “Power of Choice” offers not just opportunity, but security.

Ultimately, the perfect home-based business would have a catalog full of ever-evolving products and services, that would be relevant to all people, available in all markets, and at a price point that everybody can afford.

ByDzyne’s mission is to be the most influential economic and cultural force in the industry. Thus, the goal is to continue to expand their global footprint into multiple verticals to
maximize your income opportunities, capitalize on trends, and gain market share in upcoming industries as they advance. Their experienced executive team strives to stand apart from the pack, and build a legacy you can be proud of; one you can truly call home. We are ByDzyne™. Where limitations don’t exist. For more information please visit


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