MWR Life Helps Donate € 45,000 To Children
MWR Life is one of the top travel companies in the Direct Selling industry whose goal is to enrich the lives of people worldwide. Their mission of Making Wishes Real does not only pertain to their members but also to those in need through their MWR Life Cares program.
MWR Life has partnered with the Partage Organization who has worked to improve the living conditions of the world’s most underprivileged children for over four decades.
In 2019, MWR Life and Partage helped children from the poorest quarters of Quito, Ecuador, benefit from a unique educational program created and led by the INEPE Charity Organisation. MWR LIFE also provided a special trip to France for 15 children to experience a new culture. While in France, they traveled to many cities, and they learned to believe in their dreams, which are all essential values of MWR Life.
In 2020 MWR Life is working with Partage to improve children’s living conditions in some of the poorest regions of Madagascar, particularly the Vakinankaratra and Itasy areas. Their specific goals are to provide access to education, proper nutrition, primary healthcare, and a favorable family environment for children to develop.
“We are beyond grateful to be able to partner with Partage again this year to help the children in need in Madagascar. With our MWR Life Cares program, we have helped donate over 45,000 € and see this as just the beginning.
At MWR Life, we are committed to helping improve the lives of those who lack the advantage to prosper in life and will continue to play a role in helping those individuals and communities to the best of our abilities.”
Said MWR Life Vice President of Europe, Eric Aubin.
If you would like to help improve the lives of these children in need. Click here to donate and support this cause. They thank you for any amount you can provide on behalf of the MWR Life community.
About MWR Life
MWR Life is a global travel platform that benefits their Lifestyle Consultants with the opportunity to create the lifestyle of their dreams and travel the world. Their Travel Advantage™️ booking platform has discount travel rates on hotels, flights, cruises, resorts, car rentals, activities, and more!
Plus, their fully curated Life Experience®️ trips to exotic destinations around the world are helping their members create memories that last a lifetime. For more information, visit
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