Felix Alfen From Germany Achieves 3000+ Active Customers With Kuvera

Felix Alfen, 30 years old, is from Aschaffenburg, near Frankfurt Germany. He has been involved in Network Marketing for 6 years full-time. However, his career in network marketing is definitely not an overnight success story.
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
When he started Network Marketing in 2014, he did what he had done during his career in professional sports, his university studies, and his job as a business consultant, he gave 100% of his energy and commitment from day one. Having experience in the traditional business world as a consultant, he realized quickly that time and financial freedom could only be created by owning a business and being an investor. For that reason, he has chosen the profession of network marketing.
However, when he quit his job at the end of 2014 to build his network, things didn’t go as planned. He found himself in a situation with no money and no successful business. Being extremely hungry for success and working hard on his business and himself just wasn’t working for him.
Inviting his friends to an opportunity presentation writing a strong list of contacts, selling products to his friends, cold contacting on social media; none of these things were working for him. His first home meeting was with his best friend, and the other ten people invited didn’t show up.
All his warm contacts seemed to overlook the potential of an online business and network marketing. Pretty much all the people he tried to get as a customer told him the products were too expensive. Furthermore, no one could show him how to prospect his cold market in a proper way. He felt stuck as everything he had tried failed completely.
So, Felix did what many young networkers do, he started to doubt himself and his skills. He kept thinking, was he just not good enough for the first time in his life? What was the missing link to success in network marketing? Was he the only person having these kinds of problems?
After working desperately, with negative energy and poor results he decided to quit. Not quit the business, but quit the old ways of doing business. In 2015, he decided to build his network marketing business not with the attitude of a hobby sales person, but with the attitude of a business owner.
Felix used 3 main tools to build his business over the next 5 years:
Branding NOT Selling
Everyone wants to buy, but no one wants to be sold. Felix focuses on teaching his affiliates how to build relationships and create their own brand online in order to create a following. He says: “real followers are the best prospects, way better prospects than cold contacts. You have to build network marketing with modern, online marketing strategies not with recruiting methods from the eighties.”
Duplication in onboarding
Felix said that “Sometimes we in network marketing get caught up in focusing on the sale and commission, not on the new person’s success and on-boarding. Having the right, easy and duplicatable on-boarding strategies is crucial to create residual income in network marketing.” Felix is always focused on the newest person’s success, because he believes in the art of the start.
Create a clear structure and team culture
Felix is a strong supporter of systems and a clear business format. He emphasizes the importance of an offline and online event structure.
“If you want to lead a big team it is your responsibility to set up a clear structure offline and online. Fixed weekly opportunity webinars, leadership calls, team calls and product education calls are key to success. It needs to be as easy as possible for a new affiliate to plug into a functional and working infrastructure, because at the end of the day, a hobby costs money but a business can make you money, it’s that simple.“
These tools have helped Felix and his team redefine network marketing for their demographic. He has been able to help people not make the same mistakes he did in the beginning with outdated network recruiting strategies.
Felix plans to keep building Kuvera with all out focus, massive action, and new redefining networking methods. Felix highly believes in the outstanding products of Kuvera and the life-changing opportunity of network marketing.
About Kuvera
Kuvera, a subsidiary of Investview, delivers financial education, technology and research to individuals through a subscription-based model. Kuvera provides research, education, and investment tools designed to assist the self-directed investor in successfully navigating the financial markets.
These services include research, trade alerts, and live trading rooms that include instruction in equities, options, FOREX, ETFs, binary options, crowdfunding and cryptocurrency sector education.
In addition to trading tools and research, Kuvera also offers full education and software applications to assist the individual in debt reduction, increased savings and budgeting.
Each product subscription includes a core set of trading tools/research along with the personal finance management suite to provide an individual with complete access to the information necessary to cultivate and manage his or her financial situation. For more information, please visit kuveraglobal.com