Françoise Tai From The Netherlands Achieves Diamond Rank At Valentus

Françoise Tai stated upon her achievement:
Three years ago I found network marketing. I started in the industry while working full time as a secretary in a lawyer’s office. First with another MLM company, but I wasn’t happy there. I was not 100% behind the products and that is a must for me!
Then eighteen months ago I heard about Valentus for the first time. I started reading and informing myself about Valentus and I ordered some products. I was immediately excited about Valentus as the company to work with as well as about the products. It was not a difficult decision for me to make the switch.
I started to build my team quickly, but shortly after my start with Valentus I got pregnant and my partner and I bought a house, which needed a major renovation. I was also still working fulltime and taking care of my ten-year-old son. All that became a little bit too much for me after a few months. So, I had to take a step back and make my wellbeing a priority. I kept in touch with my team and did a little bit of sales.
At the end of last December, I gave birth to my youngest son. In the first few months I really had to get used to the new situation.
But after a few months I was ready to take up my business again and last May I hit my Diamond Promotion and I’ve cut my working hours in half, so now I have more time to spend with my family and have more financial freedom to do fun things.
Besides the fact that my business is growing, I have also grown a lot as a person. I was always a little bit shy and was never looking for new people or friends, but in the last few years I met so much nice people and with many of them I have become friends. My circle has grown a lot bigger and that is so much fun!
I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Valentus. I regret that I didn’t took this opportunity a few years earlier, but better late than never. Helping people with this opportunity and see them growing and become successful and helping all the satisfied customers to a healthy lifestyle gives me so much energy. I can definitely recommend it to everyone.
About Valentus
In Latin, the word “Valentus” means “prevail,” defined as proving to be superior in strength, power, and influence. Recognizing that, we could n0t have picked a more fitting name for a company that strives to be the example in an industry that deserves a leader to follow.
Since day one, our focus, our passion, and our commitment have been to create a company, a product line, and an opportunity built on a foundation of integrity.
From creating significant levels of income, to building strong networks, healthy long-lasting relationships, making new friends, participating in activities you never even knew existed, having the time to do the things you love with the people you love to be with, VALENTUS can help you PREVAIL in ALL of your goals!
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