Christian Nunez Becomes ByDzyne’s First Crown In Peru

Approximately one year ago, Christian Nunez committed his full dedication and leadership to ByDzyne and has never looked back.

The results he has created following his personal “power of decision” have proven decisive in the overwhelming success of the Company throughout Latin America.  This includes the incredible accomplishment of achieving the Crown Rank by creating USD$2 million of sales revenue within a 15-day cycle.  His leadership skills and innate humility have also put his amazing signature on the inspiring culture of ByDzyne.

“I had already made the decision to leave the network marketing profession, however, the ByDzyne model gave me renewed confidence and certainty that we can build something that will withstand the test of time and create a strong residual income.  The adaptability of the Company, as witnessed by the addition of hybrid e-commerce to the other verticals of the company, is a great key to making this a perfect home for networkers,”

stated Christian.

Christian’s leadership style is to lead with absolute integrity in the goal of building people and creating incredible relationships.  Chanida Puranaputra, ByDzyne’s Chairwoman, penetrated Christian’s heart when she said, “Our business is not about products or services, rather it is all about people’s dreams.”  Christian’s agreement was instantaneous, “When this is how the company owners think and feel, I definitely wanted to be a part of such a noble vision.”

Christian’s leadership is characterized by his simplicity, nobility, heart, service, strategy, hard work and great vision.  With his unimaginable success at ByDzyne, he is the highest paid Peruvian in the profession of network marketing as well as achieving an overall ranking of number 78 of the highest paid networkers in the world. With his natural humility, Christian gives full and unlimited credit to his phenomenal team members,

“I am a blessed human being because our team continues to grow with men and women filled with integrity and desiring only to build a very strong ethical business with long-term plans and goals, like Agustin Bermejo and Marcos Heredia, tremendous industry leaders who have placed their trust in us. 


This is due to the quality of leaders in our organization:  Paola Nunez, Paola Torres, Salvatore Conforti, Alvaro Posada, Patricia Tamara, Pedro Mojica, Victor Franco, Alejandro Arango, Alejandro Monroy, Maria Alejandra Escobar, Dan and Susana Rodriguez, Luis Villavicencia, Nathaly Cardoza and Miguel Buitrago.”

With leaders like this, Christian is confident of his goal to develop an enormous number of people who are financially free and to join the ByDzyne vision to create the most millionaires in the industry, and be the fastest company to reach a billion dollars in annual revenue. Christian Nunez is a key part of making this happen and ByDzyne warmly congratulates him for his history-making accomplishments.

“We couldn’t be more proud of Christian, his nonstop work ethic, and most importantly, his heart. It is clear this is just the beginning for him! Excited t osee what this new year unfolds,”

exclaims Chad & Nattida Chong, Co-Founders of ByDzyne.



Ha pasado cerca de un año desde que Christian Nuñez decidio unirse a Bydzyne, una compañía que lleva varios meses demostrando estar al nivel de las grandes empresas de la industria, y a la que cada vez atrae a más lideres que están buscando lo que la compañía denomina “el poder de la decisión”. Un rango de corona logra un volumen de ventas de dos millones de dólares en 15 dias.

“Yo había tomado la decisión de dejar la industria, el modelo de Bydzyne me regreso esa confianza y certeza que podemos construir algo que perdure en el tiempo y lograr un ingreso residual perpetuo. El concepto de E- commerce y la capacidad de adaptabilidad de la compañía son claves para hacer de este un hogar perfecto para los networkers”

La forma de construir de Christian desde siempre estuvo ligada en construir personas, relaciones y que la integridad esté por delante. Como Ms. Chanida le dijo en su primer viaje a Los Angeles, “este negocio no es de productos o servicios , se trata de los sueños de la gente “. Esta frase afianzo la visión en conjunto con el corporativo.

“Desde siempre me pregunte como la nobleza podía pagarme en mi profesión de ingenierio civil. En esta industria la nobleza paga porque te debes a tu equipo, que luego se convierte en tu familia extendida. Gracias a Dios esa misma esencia la encontré en los dueños de esta compañía”


Es sorprendente saber que el ultimo cheque de Christian en su compañía pasada, en noviembre del año pasado, no superaba los 10 000 dólares y 11 meses después superaría los 200 000 USD en Bydzyne, “ Realmente estamos llevando esta industria al siguiente nivel”.

El liderazgo de Christian se caracteriza por su sencillez, nobleza, corazón , servicio, estrategia, trabajo duro y gran visión. Hoy posicionado como el peruano mejor pagado de la industria y además el número 78 de los networkers mejor pagados en el mundo.

“Me siento un ser humano bendecido porque en el equipo que estamos construyendo cada vez llegan mas y mas lideres con las ganas de construir de la forma ética, integra y pensando siempre en el largo plazo, como el Sr. Agustín Bermejo y Marcos Heredia, tremendos líderes de la industria, que depositaron su confianza en nosotros.


Eso se debe a la calidad de lideres que tenemos hoy en la organización, Paola Nuñez, Paola torres, Salvatore Conforti, Alvaro Posada, Patricia Tamara, Pedro Mojica, Victor Franco, Alejandro Arango, Alejandro Monroy, Maria Alejandra Escobar, Dan y Susana Rodriguez, Luis Villavicencia, Nathaly Cardoza, Miguel Buitrago”

El objetivo más grande de la comunidad Nextlevel que estamos construyendo , es crear la mayor cantidad de personas libres financieramente, crear la mayor cantidad de millonarios en la industria y ser la compañía más rápida en llegar al Billon de dolares.

About ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s multi-faceted approach disrupts the traditional industry model by first understanding that one size DOES NOT fit all. You were born into a particular culture, with unique tastes, interests, and desires. Therefore, ByDzyne™ was created with a purpose to celebrate your uniqueness and empower your extraordinary potential. The company’s exceptional “culture-crafted” products meet distinct needs in key consumer markets, and their lucrative business opportunity was formulated to fuel your ideal lifestyle, as YOU see fit.

This customizable approach is a driving force that propels everything ByDzyne does and will do in the future. They proved this by already establishing 4 distinct verticals: Technology, Training, Travel and Transform. And 8 industries are represented in these diverse categories of products and services: Forex, Online Marketing, Internet of Things (iOT), Lifestyle, CBD, Skincare, Weight Management, and Wellness. At ByDzyne’s core, they believe that this “Power of Choice” offers not just opportunity, but security.

Ultimately, the perfect home-based business would have a catalog full of ever-evolving products and services, that would be relevant to all people, available in all markets, and at a price point that everybody can afford.

ByDzyne’s mission is to be the most influential economic and cultural force in the industry. Thus, the goal is to continue to expand their global footprint into multiple verticals to maximize your income opportunities, capitalize on trends, and gain market share in upcoming industries as they advance. Their experienced executive team strives to stand apart from the pack, and build a legacy you can be proud of; one you can truly call home. We are ByDzyne™. Where limitations don’t exist. For more information please visit


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