Daniel Lopez From Colombia Achieves Crown Rank At ByDzyne

Daniel López, one of the emerging prominent networkers in the industry today, came to ByDzyne to break records and do it big. And true to his drive, he did just that.

In less than 30 days, he became the company’s first CROWN in Colombia and the highest-paid Colombian in the entire MLM industry. A CROWN generates over $2 million USD of sales revenue in just 15 days. His impressive accomplishments are direct results from his six years of experience developing highly productive teams around the world.

López was originally a lawyer by profession and the youngest son of a family of five children. Although his childhood was overwhelmed with economic hardships, he always stood out as an ambitious young man with a desire to achieve much more than what seemed attainable. From a very young age, he also possessed what may would describe as an unstoppable entrepreneurial spirit.

From T-shirts to perfumes, López sold every type of product until he was finally introduced to the world of Network Marketing six years ago. Since then, he has been 100% focused on building his team, network, and legacy.

“It is every day without stop. That’s how I’ve been able to have one success story after another,” shared López.

And his passion and commitment to excellence is also what landed him with ByDzyne.

“The corporate team are positioned to build something massive—just like I wanted—and it was the most significant element that made me fall in love with ByDzyne,” says the young entrepreneur.

ByDzyne’s innovative hybrid e-commerce platform, BOS.Club, which he mentions is where the tradition of the tangible and speed of services are transcendently mixed, was the determining factor for López in making the decision to build with ByDzyne. And he did it with a characteristically explosive start.

López discloses that in our world that is in constant evolution, making the decision to be part of a revolutionary company with such a unique concept was and is undoubtedly today’s best option.

For years, López has delivered solutions and opportunities that others couldn’t, and that has skyrocketed his name to one of the top leaders in the industry today. That is also why his vision is to continue to bring to more and more families this “Amazon with a payment plan,” as he calls it, so that every day more and more people can start changing their financial reality with all the opportunities and possibilities that ByDzyne provides.

“When you think of aggressive intensity, you think of Daniel Lopez. There is no doubt why he has achieved what he achieved,”

expresses Chad Chong, ByDzyne Co-Founder.

Daniel exclaims, “All the glory is for God and all recognition is for the team around me.  Deepest thanks to them for everything that has been possible and everything that has been achieved,” is what the businessman responded when asked about what the key has been to achieve all the success he is experiencing today.

“The game has changed, and we are ready to be the first to create the greatest number of millionaires in the industry’s history. In 2021, we will make ByDzyne the premier company and we will help at least 50 people generate over $25,000 USD a month,”

exclaimed the Colombian, with a big smile on his face and radiating the type of confidence of someone that is certain his bold statement will become reality soon.

*ByDzyne makes ZERO income claims. It takes hard work and dedication to make a substantial income. For the full income disclosure, please visit www.bydzyne.com


Daniel López, uno de los Networkers con mayor proyección en la industria, llegó a ByDzyne a romper récords y hacerlo en grande.

En menos de 30 días, se convirtió en el primer CROWN de la compañía en Colombia y a su vez, en el colombiano mejor pagado de toda la industria del MLM. Algo realmente impresionante, cosecha de 6 años de experiencia y trabajo desarrollando grandes equipos de trabajo alrededor del mundo. “¡Un corona genera sobre $ 2 millones de USD en facturación de ventas en tan solo 15 días!”

Ahora, conozcamos un poco más sobre la persona que está detrás de este récord en la industria. Daniel, es abogado de profesión y el hijo pequeño de un hogar de 4 hermanos. Durante toda su infancia y adolescencia creció en un ambiente rodeado de circunstancias económicas no tan positivas, pero siempre se destacó por ser un joven ambicioso, con ganas de lograr mucho más de lo que su medio ambiente le proponía y con un espíritu emprendedor imparable.

Desde camisetas hasta perfumes fueron algunas de las cosas que Daniel llegó a comercializar hasta que conoció el mundo del Network marketing, hace ya 6 años. Desde entonces, ha estado 100% enfocado en construir “Todos los días sin parar” como él mismo afirma, una historia de éxito tras otra con cada una de las personas que confían en él.

“Un corporativo totalmente preparado para construir algo gigante, tal cual como yo quería, fue una de las cosas que más me enamoró de ByDzyne”, afirma el joven empresario.

Un concepto de comercio electrónico híbrido, donde se mezcla la tradición de lo tangible y la velocidad de los servicios, fue determinante para que Daniel tomara la decisión de construir en esta empresa y hacerlo con un arranque explosivo.

Estamos en un mundo en constante evolución y tomar la decisión de hacer parte de una empresa revolucionaria y con un concepto único, es hoy por hoy la mejor opción.

Durante años, Daniel ha entregado muchas cosas que otros no estarían dispuestos a dar a cambio, pero que sin duda alguna hoy hacen que su nombre resuene en lo más alto de la industria. Por eso su visión es llevar cada vez a más familias este “Amazon con plan de pagos” como él lo llama, para que todos los días sean más y más personas las que puedan comenzar a cambiar su realidad financiera con todas las verticales que ByDzyne tiene para todos.

“Cuando piensas en intensidad agresiva, piensas en Daniel Lopez. No hay duda de por qué ha logrado lo que ha logrado” Expresa Chad Chong, cofundador de ByDzyne.

“Toda la Gloria para Dios y el reconocimiento para el equipo, es gracias a ellos que todo ha sido posible y se ha logrado.”, respondió el empresario ante la pregunta de cuál había sido la clave para alcanzar todo el éxito que hoy está viviendo.

“El juego cambió y estamos listos para ser los primeros en crear la mayor cantidad de millonarios de la historia. En 2021 haremos que ByDzyne sea la empresa revelación y llevaremos a mínimo 50 personas de Elite Family a generar por encima de los 25.000USD al mes.” afirmó el colombiano, con una gran sonrisa en su rostro, seguro de que su declaración será una realidad.

About ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s multi-faceted approach disrupts the traditional industry model by first understanding that one size DOES NOT fit all. You were born into a particular culture, with unique tastes, interests, and desires. Therefore, ByDzyne™ was created with a purpose to celebrate your uniqueness and empower your extraordinary potential. The company’s exceptional “culture-crafted” products meet distinct needs in key consumer markets, and their lucrative business opportunity was formulated to fuel your ideal lifestyle, as YOU see fit.

This customizable approach is a driving force that propels everything ByDzyne does and will do in the future. They proved this by already establishing 4 distinct verticals: Technology, Training, Travel and Transform. And 8 industries are represented in these diverse categories of products and services: Forex, Online Marketing, Internet of Things (iOT), Lifestyle, CBD, Skincare, Weight Management, and Wellness. At ByDzyne’s core, they believe that this “Power of Choice” offers not just opportunity, but security.

Ultimately, the perfect home-based business would have a catalog full of ever-evolving products and services, that would be relevant to all people, available in all markets, and at a price point that everybody can afford.

ByDzyne’s mission is to be the most influential economic and cultural force in the industry. Thus, the goal is to continue to expand their global footprint into multiple verticals to maximize your income opportunities, capitalize on trends, and gain market share in upcoming industries as they advance. Their experienced executive team strives to stand apart from the pack, and build a legacy you can be proud of; one you can truly call home. We are ByDzyne™. Where limitations don’t exist. For more information please visit www.bydzyne.com.


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