Top Rising Star Poll 2021

The young rising stars of Direct Sales everyone in the industry should get to know or to follow, the EAGLES! ?
Young rising stars in Network Marketing are nominated by the Ambassadors of Network marketing, and our community.
This list is by no means comprehensive. To be eligible, apart from sterling endorsements and a strong track record, we asked that nominees be 35 years young or under and should be growing quickly in popularity or importance.
The rising star shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.
We have nominated 125+ Top Rising Stars, in cooperation with numerous Direct Selling Professionals.
- You can vote 1 time only, through our free app (iOS and Android).
- To prevent “ghost votes” we have implemented a number of undisclosed algorithms.
- Please do not try to “Buy votes” or hack the system, we notice that.
- We will terminate voting for the one involved in fraud without mercy…
One word of advise: Do not wait till the last 2 days to mobilise your troops to vote. Somehow this website is a popular target for DDoS attacks, and sometimes we are forced to end voting to keep the website up and running.
If you want to nominate an awesome Young Rising Star, please email our Support Desk.
This poll is closed, it is no longer possible to vote
The Top 80:
After 12,738 votes:

Total voters: 12,738