Cayan Tavana From The Netherlands Achieves Blue Diamond Rank At Success Factory

Cayan Tavana is one of the Success Factory associates who have been with the company almost from the very beginning.

Over the time in the network marketing industry, Cayan went from a promising rising star to a proven leader he is today.

He can be described as one of those rare people who have achieved the right kind of balance to support fast growth success while delivering humble and effective servant leadership.

Cayan tells us his personal story about being a refugee in Iran for many years before his family was able to resettle in the Netherlands:

“These years taught him some key lessons. I can say that I’m not stuck in challenges, I’m “stuck” in solutions.


It’s important to always be happy with what you have and the situation you are in and to understand that challenges are bigger in your mind than your reality.”

Cayan Tavana at the Success Factory Head Office

Cayan’s road to success, like many other enduring leaders, was not easy. He tells us that in the first six years in the network marketing business, he was a big failure.

“I didn’t always listen, like a lot of people, I only heard what he wanted to hear. Ultimately and fortunately, I met leaders who forced me to take more personal responsibility.


At that time, I read the book “Four Agreements”, by Don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills, and it had a major impact on my behaviour and performance shift.”

Let’s summarize those agreements in order to understand the concept that guided the behaviour of this leader:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

With this, according to Cayan’s words:

“There is no secret to success, there’s a system to success.


What I did was to understand and apply the system, and as a result, I’m able to keep my emotions in check and create predictable duplication throughout my whole team.”

What drew Cayan to Success Factory in the first place was the track record and reputation of some early leaders. His upline, Crown Diamond Daniel Visser says:

“Cayan has a sincere hunger to learn, to figure out what success really is. In the long term, if there’s a leader who is going to impact millions of lives, it’s him.”

Cayan mentions another book that was important in his career, and it is “Good to Great”, by Jim Collins, which describes five levels of leadership. Cayan confesses that has always strived to reach the fifth level, described as “Servant leader”, who builds enduring greatness through a blend of personal humility and professional will.

“It’s about moving to the victory with the confidence that you can do it, while remaining humble and desiring to serve anywhere and everywhere.”

And there’s no better description for Cayan than this. Always in service to his team, he would translate endless calls and conferences, teach and be an example of the system that he follows over and over again.

And as for the future, Cayan is preparing for 2022, calling it “the year of multimillionaires on my team.”

He’s on a fast path to Black Diamond, so we won’t be surprised to see more about this young, Success Factory powerhouse.

About Success Factory

Success Factory is a network marketing company whose main goal is the promotion of human potential and supporting latest technology, relying on innovative and creative proposals that bring real solutions to the lifestyle in the 21st century.

The product catalogue of the company is mainly digital, covering the spheres of technology, education, sales skills and financial expertise. All that always improving quality, usability and exceptionality and offering its sales force different products to work with. The most outstanding items within the extensive ecosystem of the company are Forex Insiders, the View, B.A.N.K., Dagcoin, and Dagpay.

Success Factory has come to be the company that transforms network marketing, being, above all, a company that detects, trains and empowers the sales professionals that will be the great legends of the industry tomorrow. Find more information on the company’s website

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