Maya Trofimovich Achieves Premier Director Rank At APLGO

Maya Trofimovich graduated from university and graduate school with an education in world history. For years, she worked as a teacher, until immigrating to the United States.

Since immigrating to the US 25 years ago, Maya mastered the art of Direct Sales, and dreamed of creating her own company. Back in 2011, that dream came true, and she found herself running her own Direct Sales Company.

If you’re an entrepreneur like Maya, you know that running your own business is a 24/7 full time job!

Maya siad:

Over the years, business costs have grown, and with that, the cost of investments in business. You expand and re-invest into your business, developing it in other cities and states, and invest almost everything you’ve earned; rejoicing only when you’re finally clear of all the loans.


That’s when I came to realize that there is no time to spend with family, and no funds to invest in yourself. It’s a treadmill that you can’t turn off. I wanted to see more success while still being able to spend time with my loved ones.

As an answer to her prayers, Maya came across the opportunity to learn more about an amazing, creative, and caring company called APLGo. They had a product that gave great results; a fast acting, efficient dietary lozenge. The packaging was beautiful and the products tasted great.  Maya began to share with her friends and family who ended up loving them just as much as she did.

Shortly after joining the company in February 2020, the pandemic came to New York and was devastating to businesses around the city.

“We were not concerned about business at the time, only with sharing these lozenges amongst our friends in order to help maintain a healthy state in the face of the pandemic.”

In March, we began to see the fruits of progress in our personal accounts. While most businesses were struggling to stay afloat in the early stages of Covid, my weekly check was more than I had anticipated. Considering this was my first real dive into Network Marketing, it was unbelievable to see. This is because our company pays out a total of up to 63% to our associates, and it was becoming clear just how lucrative this opportunity truly was.

“As of today, I have achieved the rank of Premier Director, and our team currently has 24 Corporate Directors. We are ordinary people: Students, truck drivers, accountants, care givers, mothers, and immigrants most, but most importantly, all of us -entrepreneurs”

Maya knows the difficulty of immigrating to a new country, and learning how to experience personal growth in an unfamiliar environment. She has been through it all and wants to help others navigate the waters to find success:

We are a young company, full of energetic go-getters. APLGo is currently retailing to 75 countries around the world, with our personal team working in 37 countries. We are always looking for positive people, who enjoy working together as a team to help each other grow.


Our corporate team will lead you to financial well-being. We will show you the world in our travels and help you succeed. The founder of the company is a successful, international network marketing leader. Our Corporate team is made up of professional and experienced managers. Our head office consists of a huge team with six departments and sixteen divisions. We work with the best leaders in the industry to ensure every aspect of the business is covered.

We create a positive atmosphere for every employee and treat our customers with respect. Founder and CEO Sergey Kulikov made his first $1,000,000 at 21 years of age. He is the author of an online educational platform used within APLGO since 2014 that tracks and manages Associate efficiency. For more information please visit


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