Quini Amores Achieves Black Diamond Rank At Success Factory

Raised near the pristine waters of the Mediterranean, Quini Amores has always been a big dreamer. Owning a flourishing catering business and restaurants in Spain – his businesses were booming, giving him financial stability for years ahead. But this was the year 2008 – and a recession was about to hit the market.
The fallout led him to lose his most treasured possessions and the life he had worked so hard for in achieving. Needing to look for other resources, he joined an MLM conference in 2010 and has been a top earner in the industry since.
“Unforgettable” was Quini Amores’s description when he received his Black diamond rank status at Success Factory.
The magic that’s developed in his life, he says, has all been because of Success Factory’s community. This achievement would not have been possible without the company’s mentoring, implementation of core values, guidance, and support of his mentors.
“I’m happy to thank my mentors, Andreea Cimbala, Igor Alberts, and the founding members at Success Factory, who have created something wonderful as a company and as a vision.
They’ve enriched my life in all senses, whether it be professional or personal – I feel like Success Factory is the company where I’ve always meant to be”
Amores highlights that anyone can succeed in MLM because it’s not what you earn – it’s the person you can become.
“There are other wonderful industries, but it makes an average person like me extraordinary.”

When asked what his goals are in the near future, Amores says his vision is much broader than ever.
“My greatest joy is to help a person in need with my knowledge. It pains me to see the world’s state; it’s a place where people have forgotten how to dream. I want to help them dream again.
To believe and not doubt. Create and not destroy. Unite. Celebrate.”
When there is a dream, there is a reason. Quini Amores stresses his strong work ethic and a formula for victory to maintain continued success.
“Teach yourself, change the way you think and focus on your dreams – visualize them and make them a part of you.”
About Success Factory
Success Factory is a network marketing company whose primary goal is to promote human potential and support the latest technology, relying on innovative and creative proposals that bring real solutions to the lifestyle in the 21st century.
The company’s product catalog is mainly digital, covering the spheres of technology, education, sales skills, and financial expertise.
All while continuously improving quality, usability, and exceptionality and offering its sales force different products to work with. The most outstanding items within the extensive ecosystem of the company are Forex Insiders, The View, and Dagcoin.
Success Factory has become the company that transforms network marketing human lives above all. This company detects, trains, and empowers the sales professionals who will be the industry’s great legends tomorrow. Find more information on the company’s website www.successfactory.com.
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