The Happy Co.’s Jessica Sessums Achieves Black Diamond Rank

Jessica Sessums leads a busy life.
“I work full time for a local attorney, am a pastor’s wife, a busy mom to Brannan, 11, and Christopher, 7, and I run my Happy Co. business,”
says the part-time Happy Co. brand partner and Mississippi resident.
When she first joined The Happy Co. in 2018, it was to lose baby weight and help reduce her anxiety. Since then, her family has had to navigate Christopher’s diagnosis of an autoimmune disorder.
“With his diagnosis comes lots of doctors’ appointments, hospital stays, medications and therapies,” she explains.
“And with each of these comes bills. Now my ‘why’ is to help provide financially for my family.”
The most important factor in joining The Happy Co. at first was the products, she says.
“I cannot tell others about something I do not believe in myself.”
Another key in becoming a brand partner was the flexibility to make her own schedule.
“I 100% work my business through social media. I plan my day first thing in the morning. I make sure to follow and connect with people during my breaks and late at night when the kids are in bed.”
That tenacity has paid off as Jessica reached Black Diamond rank. And while her ability to pay off medical bills is important, she also wants to help make memories with her family.

“We want to be able to provide our kids things we didn’t have growing up. Both myself and my husband, Benji, come from divorced homes, and family vacations weren’t something we had a lot of.
“I love our company,” she continues.
“I love the friends and relationships that have been made since joining, and I love our products and the way they are literally changing people’s lives.”
About The Happy Co.
The Happy Co., formerly Elepreneurs, launched in February 2021 with an established foundation of successful nootropic, functional beverage products that enhance mood, boost energy, enhance sleep, and make you look and feel like a younger person.
The Happy Co. starts with products but does not end there. We are a lifestyle and a dose of happy. For more information about The Happy Co. go here.
Get more information, facts and figures about The Happy Co, click here for the The Happy Co overview.
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