Rain International Celebrates 11 Years Of Growth And Global Expansion

Rain International, a Global Leader in seed nutrition, is celebrating its 11-year anniversary. On November eleventh of 2011, (11-11-11)
Rain founder, Byron Belka, began the journey of growing this Utah start-up to an international organization, with thousands of independent distributors in 45 countries.
Over the course of the last 11 years, Rain has expanded their seed-based nutritional product line, their global network of distributors, and has dedicated tremendous resources to raising awareness of the nutritional value of seed-based products.
Additionally, Rain International is the primary funding source for the non-profit foundation, Seeds For Change; a 501c3 charity which provides nutritional solutions for third world countries and communities where food is scarce.
Rain International’s founder, Byron Belka, celebrates this eleventh anniversary with expressions of gratitude, while keeping his focus on the future.
“I could not be more proud of the many people who make up this global community we call Rain. While the recent global pandemic devastated numerous organizations in our industry, Rain is thriving, expanding and investing in even more R&D.
We are poised to have the best year in our eleven year history, and the credit goes to two very special groups of people. The first being our amazing team of scientists and doctors who engineer these nutritious, life-changing products we are able to provide to families worldwide.
The second group of people who deserve much of the credit for where Rain is today, are the men and women of Rain’s vast worldwide network of distributors.
It is these people who take the good news of seed nutrition to the streets, the churches, schools and villages on every continent. We call those people”Rain Partners” and that’s exactly who they are- they are our much loved partners,.
We do everything in our power to support them so they can find the highest level of their own personal success. I truly love these people.”
About Rain International
Rain International is the global leader in seed-based nutrition. They exist to bring the power of seed-nutrition to the world, one person, at a time and provide a catalyst for personal change. Rain believes changing the world begins with each individual. Rain’s mission is to advance the health of every person globally, with seed-nutrition. Those seeking further information or the opportunity to interact with the business as a potential Rain Partner, may visit www.rainintl.com.
Get more information, facts and figures about Rain International, click here for the Rain International overview.
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