Top Leaders Jordan And Kristen Kemper Join Start-Up Make Wellness

Jordan Kamper said:

This is the beginning of a new season for Kristen Rocco Kemper and me. We’ve decided to close our chapter with our prevoius company and begin a new one. We’re moving on with no regrets and nothing but gratitude in our hearts.

Partnering with our previous company was truly one of the best decisions of our lives. The best part was the people we’ve gotten to serve and work alongside. Our team was a magnet for some of the best people we’ve ever known and we changed so many lives together.

From mountain and seaside retreats, weekly Family Meetings, events all over the country together and more, we’ll cherish these memories forever.

Thank you to every single person that supported us in this season and gave us the honor of serving you in some capacity. Whether that was as a customer or teammate, we’re so incredibly grateful for you.

Jordan and Kristen Kemper

Kristen and I have always had a passion for helping people realize their potential and build their dreams. To create financial freedom for their family while honoring the things that matters most.

We were able to do that more than we ever have in this last season and we’re confident that it’s a glimmer of what’s to come! We have a fresh fire in our hearts and are so expectant for this next season.

We are partnering now with Make Wellness, founded by Justin Prince and achieved 4,000+ enrolments in the first 4 hours.

Get more information, facts and figures about Make Wellness, click here for the Make Wellness overview.

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